Ok really quick my last post, Dulces, got cut off from crazy internet and crazy blog. Long story short; this is still an incredible experience and I am eager to soak it all in!

Here I Am This is when I finally made it to the island, more jet lagged than I ever wanted to admit.
Amber is a very hard name to say in Spanish. I’m not sure if I’ve told this to you or not, but it is! Sonya, one of the mom’s, calls me Dulce. This can me sweet, sweetie or candy. We had quite the talk about how calling me Candy could be misunderstood, but in the end decided it would be an ok Dominican nickname. Sonya’s daughter has sinse started calling me Dulces and so have some of the other kids. Even better though, is that many of the kids have learned my name. I was really apprehensive when I first got here that the kids weren’t going to like me. Beter to say, there have been so many volunteers here this past summer that maybe they just didn’t care to interact with me. However,
The Slide
Also here is a video of the kids on the slide it is so cute and funny! SLIDE!
Part Dos
Here’s another flight vid enjoy! P.S. sorry for typos in my previous blogs. I will be more diligent I promise! watch?v=n7XBoTROcTo
A Slide By Any Other Name Is Still a Slide
Our boys and girls club is in Bario Haiti. Not in Haiti, that just the name of our neighborhood. Right across the street is a playground. It’s not the worst playground in the world, but it’s not the best. Still, these kids have so much fun! It’s a thousand degrees and they love running and sliding and climbing on everything. One day, I was in the club working on some media stuff and I looked out the door to see at least 15 of our kids piled on the slide! They were seeing how many could fit on the slide at once it was so funny! There are so many basic needs here that should be met, but aren’t and still the kids are kids and just want to slide with their friends!
Plane Ride Uno
I will give these to in different sittings. These videos of my travel are not for the faint of hear! Aiport 1 Nashville!
Fun Facts!
1. Batida de Coca is the most delicious treat you will ever have. It is a Coconut milk shake. I know what you’re thinking “I don’t like things that are super coconuty,” well I don’t either. It is coconut and rice milk blended and is just sweet and tastes more like vanilla with a hint of coconut. You can get one fresh from the corner store near our club for 30 pesos, thats like $.90!
2. I wish with all my heart that everyone could see me riding the moto! I feel like such a world traveler when I take it, twice today in fact. So I have decided to film my next ride..stay tuned.
C. Many Dominicans love Celine Dion and Michael Bolton. When I went to Jamaica last year everyone loved Celine! All I have to say is props, I never knew.
In other news I had a very exciting meeting yesterday about starting the music program up again here. If you are a musical friend of mine prepare to help! Today is a boys day at the club and tomorrow everyone is off. I have started taking pictures finally so all of those will arrive very shortly. I still can’t believe im here, on this island in the shadow of a huge mountain with these fantastic people! More to come everyone!
P.S. everyone loves this here, I don’t know how I missed it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRpeEdMmmQ0
My New House!
This is my house where I am staying with Liz the founder and exec. director. Don’t judge the quality it’s in its rawest form, no editing, as am I, no make up!! Enjoy!
I’m Here
Hola Amigos! Estoy aqui en El Republico Dominicana! It has been two days, but it already feels like a week! After nearly 20hours of travel it felt so good to get here on Monday! The first thing I did was take a shower, then Liz, the organization founder and my surrogate mom, took me to the beach. Montellanos, the local beach area, is only 5 minutes away and she wanted to show me how beautiful it was and to just talk and get me feeling good about being there. The next day I got to hang out at the club. The club is where the local kids have class and learn job skills; boys on Tuesdays, girls on Thursday, English class on Friday and Monday and everyone on Saturday. I feel as if I am just breaking the surface of all I will do and see and experience here, of course it’s only day two! Hasta luego!