I will be in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic which is a coastal city in Hispaniola. In the DR I will be teaching English classes at a boys and girls after school program. I will also be working to do special projects in music and arts. There is a job skills program for some of the older children that helps to teach a trade that I will be a volunteer in. The orphanage I will be working at is across the border in Haiti. Since the destruction the number of orphaned children has sky rocketed and they need all the help they can get. At the orphanage I will get to play with and love on children as well as helping in any way I can there as a volunteer. Furthermore, for Dove Missions as a whole, I will be using my journalism skills to write press releases, shoot and edit videos, take photos, update all the orgs blogs and web-sites and any other media need they might have! I will be there from Sept 5 to Dec 3 living with the organizations founder Liz McKie and doing my best to learn and absorb the culture as much as possible!