Category Archives: Travel

To Leave, Yet to Be Right at Home


To think, soon, I’ll be headed off on a plane headed for a place that I call my home, but that I don’t really remember all that well. It’s been eight or nine years since I was last in Oradea. I’m sure a lot will have changed, that I will see a lot of new things, and probably a lot of old things and be surprised by the change. But I’m soooo excited for it!! Everyone tells me that it will be a huge transition, warns of culture shock and all the rest of it, but I’m not sure that I buy that. People are people wherever in the world they may reside and whatever way that they may think about life; which really serves well to lead me to my next point, namely, that people being people, they still have struggles, hardships, and need someone who will unconditionally love them, care about them, and sacrifice for them. I do too. Everyone does. That’s what home is.

That is why I find it so important to really start at home when it comes to giving and helping, and expand out from there, because really, if I go and help elsewhere without first taking care of the home front, then I am neglecting my greatest and most important responsibility that I, in fact, am meant to take care of and know to take care of better than anyone else. I have been blessed with many opportunities to lead and serve in Tennessee, from activities with my church or nearby churches, to those through school organizations or even that I have personally organized, and I have taken them because I realize that my primary responsibility is to love those around me, realized through the love that my God has first shown me. Some may think that this idea of responsibility is one that conveys burden, but that is a narrow, incomplete view of the grandeur of such a thing. There is also the idea of love, when that which one ought to do is performed not by obligation, but due to convictions grounded in the depths of man’s soul, an idea which contains within the fullest realization of propriety and morality in understanding that obligation by command is only the failure of obligation by love, the understanding that honoring commands in joy is truly the highest honor man can gain, making the desire to love written on my fiery coal of a heart shine forth as the brilliant manifestation of everything I should strive for. And that was a long sentence.

Confession: in writing, there are two things I like to do: 1) Write really long sentences and 2) Not paragraph. Yes, paragraph should be verb. I just have this theory that combining a lot of ideas into one sentence helps to convey a fullness and depth ensuing from the lack of any separation except for possibly breathing and moments of deep thought as one processes several things at once and so makes really fantabulous connections. I believe this theory. I also really want you to understand my trip as understand my life, and thus my trip as I experience it, and I can tell you: I don’t live in paragraphs. There is not a neat, nice, clean stop—ok guys, I walked into Starbucks, new paragraph—no. I walk into Starbucks pondering the wonder of the cool breeze, the destiny of man, what in the world that lady has in her hair, the new topic covered in Physics course, and everything in life, consecutively, of course. There is a beautiful mesh and continuum that is really a fuller understanding of the nature of the art of loving what you have been given and being content in life. I also understand, however, that people like paragraphs. I also realize, hurt my heart though it may, that not everyone loves British literature as much as I do, and thus not everyone likes long sentences either. I know, shocker. It’ll pass, with time. Drink some tea. One thing that you might notice if you <3 English grammar is also that I like to have fun with words as well as English grammar. Call it artistic license. Call it humor. Call it a fullness of expression in the careful, thoughtful transmission of the wee emotions to properly convey the complexity of the experience. I will probably agree with you on all counts. In fact, in efforts to even further agree with the collective experience of the ages, I will probably go back and paragraph.

Truly though, I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing this. I hope that you enjoy the heights of depth and the depths of the heights of my joy because what you read, and how you read it, and the way in which you understand how I have written this, will help you understand my journey. I have writing and pictures. Yet in these forms is an ocean of feelings, sights, sounds, smells, tastes, people, places, things, wonder, awe, respect, joy, love, and so many other things that I could never express to you if I had a million years to communicate with the express purpose of bringing you along with me. I also don’t want to overwhelm you too much. If I overwhelm you a little bit, that’s ok, because I am kind of overwhelmed as well by all of it, so you feel me. But check this, all of you wonderful Lumos people who in your kindness have condescended so to grace my blog: I know that you all get tired of reading and processing too, and you all have lives outside of this thread in the Internet world of flying photons, so I will probably, most likely, possibly, probably try to keep these at legible lengths. I really am, for your sakes. You know, most professors have a class dedicated to introducing the class, so consider that we are getting on the same page in today’s session on how to light up the world. By the way, smiles help. And I like puns. Beside the point, although we are talking about life.

I just thought that I should try to explain myself a little bit so you don’t feel like you are being thrown over the deep end, landing in the kiddie section and hurting yourself. I want you to feel like you are being thrown in the deep end with the full knowledge of how to swim so that you can truly experience the wonder of the light as it refracts off the surface and penetrates the medium while immersing yourself in the refreshing coolness of life. When I say things on this blog, I want you, reader, to understand that every word has had an immense amount of thought placed in its writing, and oftentimes is a metaphor for life. I also want you to understand that, excepting this past sentence, whenever I write things, especially those things about myself or related to me, I almost always am imagining it, not simply enunciated dramatically (and seriously: without sarcasm), but also in an accent as I am writing it. Just pick several: British, French, German, Italian, Russian, Southern, North African male, Indian, African-American lady, and many more—just make sure to have fun when you do it. One may disagree, but I think I am doing a better job of explaining the depths of myself in the depths of my joy and enthusiasm through this methodology of expression. It just spans cultures, sort of like what I am going to be doing here in Romania.

By knowing the Romanian language and culture, I will be able to love people in a way that they understand it, teach them English in a way that they comprehend it, help people in a way that they need it, and thus be of greatest use here where I am. Whether helping the orphan boy Daniel who lives at the Charis Foundation Center in Santion, Romania by helping him build a house for himself while teaching him English and just being his friend, by teaching English and music to children in an orphanage in Sanmartin and forming relationships with them over a period of 3 months, doing a similar work with a group of Romi children in Tileagd, assisting at one private nursing home in Dumbrava where one family takes care of 160 elderly in four houses by charity, the nursing home oftentimes being populated by residents kicked out of the state-run nursing homes because the state couldn’t afford to take care of them, and so on and so forth. There is a need here. For several years now I have taken care of needs at home in America, in Tennesse, where I grew up, but now I feel led to move on to my next home, and help there as well, because everyone needs love.

I don’t know what may lie ahead of me, though I’ve grown up on stories of place. It’s like I’m a dwarf from the Hobbit, looking towards the Misty Mountains, thinking deep deep deep thoughts of what hidden treasures may lie on the other side of this great mound of Earth. In fact, I am.


Call it pre-travel travel, traveling to traveled places from a long time ago in a land far far away. Call it leaving home, only to go home. I will be with my family in America as well as in Romania. I will get to give and help and serve and love people in Romania just as I did in America and thus I will get to give back to my people from the motherland as well. Really, I’ll still be home because my home has always been where my heart is and my heart is everywhere, with several focal points, of course, but still everywhere because where I can live out love is somewhere that I’d want to be and somewhere where I’d belong. I’m home, going home, and waiting to go home. Riddle me that. I’m not even sure how to express this, I’m just so excited, so enthused, so happy and thankful and grateful to be where I am right now as well as for this wonderful opportunity, thanks to Lumos, to love people.

So, subtle tribute to them,


and I am really looking forward to having you join me on this experience of a lifetime and hearing your thoughts as I overwhelm you with weird metaphors, abstract references, overly long sentences, and everything in life. Why? Because I find that the best things in life tend to be slightly overwhelming if you think about it a little. And this is pretty great. 🙂 So, grace and peace to you all, and here I come!!!



~David Gal-Chiş


The World Is Round?

I have officially been in Germany for a week now and I have so much to tell!

But First:

Germany won the World Cup! This had to be the coolest, most adrenaline filled moment of my trip- and I have had some pretty exciting moments.  Some friends and I watched the semi final game between Germany and Brasil. After the first goal, we started muting the television because outside my roommates and my window there was an eruption of cheers and honking horns. When German won, the party outside seemed to go on until the sun rose.  The Final game was going to be fantastic.

The day of the game, a large group of us  went to the Brandenburg Gate to watch the game. We didn’t leave until like 5, so of course we didn’t make it into the closed off area. However, we did get to see hundreds of people cloaked in red, yellow, and black, marching and yelling and singing while waiting outside the gate. There were so many people who were bound together on that day by that sport. Everyone was a friend and everyone was excited.

We ended up watching the game at a small cafe miles from the gate. Even this small place was packed. Many people were standing, and we were squeezed into a corner in the back.  I would walk outside every couple moments and the streets would be completely deserted.

When Germany won, the entire country exploded. People were hanging out of their cars yelling,  and car horns were blaring. People were jumping and singing all over the place. I went to bed to the sound of partying outside my window.

Today, Berlin welcomed the winning team home. Thousands of people could be seen walking to the Brandenburg Gate. The flags and Germany colors are starting to disappear though.

One important thing I have learned this last week is the meaning of German pride. I’ve been on a ton of tours this last week- Berlin, Cold War, Jewish Life, and Sachsenhausen concentration camp. one thing thing that all the guides had in common to say was how odd it was for them (being mostly middle-aged) to see Germans waving a German flag. As an American, it is hard for me to understand collective guilt of ones country. While America has done atrocious things,  I still feel patriotic towards my country and I still feel as though I have a right to wave a flag if I want and sing my national anthem whenever- I mean, I didn’t do anything, right? Many Germans though, feel that patriotism and nationalism are synonymous with one another and that flags are inappropriate. I’m not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, it makes me upset with myself for being connected to something so flimsy as a symbol and a song. On the other hand, it makes me appreciative that I’ve been able to grow up without feeling responsibility for my countries past wrong-doings. Maybe collective  responsibility is a truer form of patriotism than worshiping a flag. I don’t know :/


My computer died and I am currently using a friends. Unfortunately, I cannot upload my pictures on this computer, but I will post again with lots of pics soon!


Kao Jai.

Two months ago I began my journey of starting something that matters with a long, tedious trek up switchback mountain roads and down muddy paths to a small, privately owned coffee farm. At that point, I honestly didn’t know what sparked this fire inside of me, but I knew that it was something that I needed to follow even if it was done blindly. The dictionary defines the word understand as an individual’s ability to be sympathetically or knowledgeably aware of the character or nature of something. In this context, understanding someone or something means that an individual must take on, or experience, the thing or person’s life as their own.

Understanding in a world with such a significant language barrier has opened my eyes to how precious communication truly is. Back home, stories and experiences are publicly displayed on social media giving people the opportunity to live vicariously through others. I have never doubted that a tweet is worth 140 characters or a picture a thousand words, but experiencing something firsthand is priceless.

This opportunity of living in an area where I am unable to speak the language has come as a blessing in disguise. During my visit to the coffee farm, the mother of the family graciously invited me to sit and eat lunch under a small, bamboo shack that was constructed to protect the family members from the weather. Words were not exchanged, yet it was evident that each person sharing that meal together was sympathetically aware of the character and nature of one another. Honestly, not being able to speak with one another made this moment truly unforgettable.

Kao Jai Coffee

Kao Jai Coffee

No matter how successful Kao Jai Coffee may or may not be, living a life that is aware, curious, and sympathetic helps me better understand not only others, but myself as well. Sharing helps show others, but never forget that experiencing leads to understanding.

For more info check out:

Spunănd “La Revedere” [Saying “Until Next Time”]

Departures are so hard. Having to say goodbye to someone that you’ve spent every day with for almost 3 months is not easy. Now multiply that by the number of girls I spent everyday with...

We had such a beautiful last week together! I got to spend a lot of personal time with the girls working alongside them, visiting the city with them, and specifically making time to talk and just be with each of them before I left.

We made jam and cracked nuts [the Romanian way]...1075778_10201649135736893_1111101987_n 1010839_10201649136416910_791346690_n

...took care of our chickens and bunnies...


...played music and sang our hearts out...

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... took a trip to Ciuperca to see the entire city and just talk and enjoy the hike...

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... invaded a sunflower field, just for fun..

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...I surprised them with a sleepover and American-style pancakes for breakfast the next morning...


... As they surprised me with my favorite meal as well as some heartfelt wonderful gifts!! (hopefully I will have pictures of them to post later!)


I will miss their smiling faces, big hugs, and amazing hearts immensely. I can’t believe how quickly the summer flew by! They tell me to stay and come back, and I’m praying that I’ll have the opportunity to do that in the future. Until then, I can’t wait to keep seeing them grow in maturity and as adults- they have so much potential in them and I want them to use it! They know that their Mami loves them, and sends a huge hug to all her girls... until we meet again.

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Oportunități [Opportunities]

First of all, we finished off the retreat splendidly last week!

Besides the intense bowling and Mexican night..


We also underwent the grand and slightly dangerous experience of go-cart racing, several rounds of bilingual games at the park, many fun and humorous hours at the strand (pool), and slept in an indoor fort that the volunteers created.

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(See, I even got to do some of the medical work that I love!)1002935_10151866356349881_1902443266_n 1006231_10151870817194881_607549131_n  1043911_10201593615268916_1406370605_n 1010058_10201593618629000_1890187187_n

It’s amazing to see how much the girls appreciate a retreat and break after they worked for it and earned it! It’s hard to teach them that balance oftentimes. In the orphan homes, they got accustomed to having their needs provided for without having to work for it. Now that they’re entering the real world, they want to continue having that- this is the reason why many girls leave the Beauty from Ashes program or don’t complete it. If they’re not willing to work, be responsible, and follow rules, then life  will hit them in the head they will have to step up to their role or end up on the streets. Those who realize this have had much success in the program and were also able to appreciate this retreat to the fullest!

However, it’s also hit me really hard this past week how limited our girls are due to injustice. Unfortunately, even our girls who have worked so hard to get integrated into society and have a better, brighter future are judged by their skin color and background. Employers take one look at them and don’t give them a second thought. Being in America since the age of 5, I got used to the concept of the “Land of Opportunities” and am now being reminded how harsh and unjust life is for those who don’t have these opportunities. These things fire me up, and I do everything in my power to prepare this girls for their interviews and encourage them.

One of our girls who’s been in the program the longest and is a college graduate interviewed for a position in her domain as a nurse! I so highly anticipate the day when she will take her rightful place that she’s earned in the medical field through nursing!


Along these same lines, I was given the neatest opportunity this week: I got to share a little about my views on the previously listed injustices as well as about Romanian Orphan Ministries and my life in an interview for Digi24 Oradea, a TV show here in Romania! Whenever I was asked to do this, I had no idea what to expect, but I interviewed today and the airing is tomorrow at 7:00pm Romania Time (11:00am Central Time, 12:00pm Eastern Time) both on TV and they’re website,

under the live tab. Through the questions that he asked me during the duration of the interview, I shared a bit of my views and pointed out injustice as an issue. I also got to tell the television world about ROM and what they do, and how I got here. My girls were so sweet when finding out about my interview: they all rushed to help with make-up, finding a taxi, and getting ready. It’s so awesome seeing what they’ve learned throughout their time at the center on how to be a good friend!

(Interview ready)


As the older girls build character, the younger girls that are at the center daily have started wanting to be like them, and have picked up some good traits actually! When it’s been my turn to work with the little girls these past couple of days, they always want to do things that I do with the older girls: school, cleaning, feeding the animals, singing... ect- it’s so sweet! When the older girls start participating in teaching them how to do these these things that they do, the little girls love it, and it teaches them good measures of patience and how to deal with children as well. This will definitely come in as a help for the girls who have started training others at their jobs at the center/boutique.

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As the week progressed, we celebrated the big boss (Corey’s) birthday, and had to say goodbye to two of our volunteers that are headed back to the States. Saying goodbye reminded me that I only have a week left before I have to undergo the same thing! (UNBELIEVABLE)

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Mămicuța Noastră [Our Mommy]

Every week brings something new: this one has brought me the honor of being called Mămicuța (Mommy), a title bestowed upon me this week by my girls. While those who usually stay with the girls are away, the responsibility has been given to me, as well as another volunteer, to watch over the girls and stay with them 24/7. I’ve been living the life and experiencing what it means to run such an organization and dedicate your entire life to it. And truly, it takes dedication and sacrifice- from the moment you wake up until your head hits the pillow at night, your free second is usually never yours.

Working with such girls not only brings the responsibilities that caring for seven full grown daughters would, but also requires an extra measure of attention that these girls need, the attention that they were never given at the orphan homes. From making food, to laundry, to any and every daily activity, you’ve gotta be there, working alongside them. Teaching them the family life must balanced with instruction in independence and responsibility. One of my girls, for example, had to find a new job today. Teaching her to grab a newspaper and call individuals or companies (opposed to wandering about aimlessly, hoping a job will somehow arise), and then make a plan of where she would go and in what order was a task. On top of that, she received a lesson on personal appearance in professional settings, such as the job interview. It’s the daily things like this that make life here such an incomparable experience, and honestly make me love it.

Since those usually in charge are on vacation for a couple of days, we decided to plan a small kind of retreat for the girls at the center- a few days for them to relax and enjoy activities they normally wouldn’t have the time to do during work and school.

We’ve taken the girls on day activities, like the movies and bowling, and still have other things, like go-carting and the pool planned!

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We try to get them to experience new things, like Mexican food, or learning how to play guitar during free time.


They also get to enjoy the good ‘ole things we Romanians love, like our nightly volleyball games.

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And on top of it, we’re enjoying the time with our new visitor, Patricia Niculas from Atlanta, Georgia who is half Romania/ half American to top off the fun!


It’s an honor to be called Mămicuța by these girls- to be accepted and loved by them on such a level, and to be able to show them so much love and care. Making the most of my time here is my big goal as my time is running out, and I know I’lll miss my girls immensely when the day comes that I have to say goodbye.


Momente [Moments]

Moments come and pass so quickly. There are good ones, challenging ones.. and not a spare one at the Beauty from Ashes center:)

As usual, this week has been “hoppin,” and it’s not over yet as we are in the midst of preparations for our 4th of July celebration! (advantages of having an American boss)

This week has been full of volunteers... and cooking!

Our first set of volunteers arrived Monday. After a tour and elaboration on the Beauty from Ashes house and center, we took them out to enjoy the city for the day! We went to the piaţă (frest market) to buy food, ice cream, and a massive watermelon, and then took them to the cetate (old fortress of the city) for a relaxing afternoon of picnicking and playing fun Romanian games as the volunteers began to build friendships with the girls. It’s so unique how people of two completely different cultures, traditions, and languages can connect over similar pasts, love for the same kind of food, or a special talent (or lack thereof) of throwing a stick 🙂


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Another set of volunteers arrived that day as well and began helping us in the following days on a painting project. Painting, just as any activity, is a great opportunity for the girls to learn how to work with others, or how to serve those who have come to help them. Our team of volunteers and girls is doing splendidly.. but this may also be because their food is amazing 🙂

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Volunteers and hardworking girls must be fed.. so my kitchen team got to work, day after day...

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... enjoying occasional wedding ceremonies on the street as breaks!1000103_10201503726181745_1295584646_n

We’re also glad that our month-long volunteer, Heather, arrived today, and her first Romanian meal was home cooked deliciousness by my team- ardei umpluți! Yes, in Romania, we like our food- so we make it good.


Besides the usual work that I do at the center, I’ve joined the team of English teachers at Emanuel University for their summer school program. The mornings that I can, I go teach young children, thus far mostly 9 through 11 year olds.

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^^ the flowers the kids made me and taught me how to make as an exchange for the English lesson 😉

Each day has brought such joy! Trials too.. I can’t lie and say that they haven’t caused a heavy cloud, for everyone carries the burden in this organization that is a family. However, the girls learn so much through every situation, and between singing and dishwater fights, their character grows more day by day-I’m proud of them!

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Încercări [Trials]

Another week has passed- it’s unbelievable how quickly time flies! With all the good that happens, some bad also insists on accompanying as well, and this busy week brought both good and bad. But we have to stay strong, and trust that things will all work out for the good.

This week started off with a trip to the small town of Buzias with one of the girls. In Romania, when students finish 8th grade, they have to pass a proficiency exam that allows their transition into high school based on two subjects- Romanian and Mathematics. This exam isn’t very easy, and I, along with several others, had been helping her prepare for it. So we returned to the town where she had finished her middle school years so that she could take this exam (we are awaiting final results!).

Below is a picture of the entrance to the high school where she took her exam



As soon as I returned to Oradea, the next two days greeted me with the hustle and bustle of getting everything set up for the yard sale the organization was having. Along with clothes donation and items that the girls have handmade (such as headbands, earrings, ect.), we also sold baked goodies. The goodies were quite tempting... but the yard sale was a great joint interaction between everyone. This combined effort between volunteers, workers, and the girls teaches the girls how to be diligent, helpful, and attentive hosts.

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With all of the fun, events, and success that comes, there are also trials that come. With any organization that does work of this nature, there are daily, smaller challenges, and also massive, devastating hardships that attack, and that must all be overcome.

This week, I experienced the removal of a girl from the program as a consequence for her actions. When we accept someone at Beauty from Ashes, we don’t accept them as just another girl that we work with. No. We accept them as part of our family, showing them acceptance, sacrificing for them, and giving them the best that we can. The desire and heart of Corey and Diana who started this organization, as well as of all those working here, is to support the girls in creating a better life and loving them, so that Beauty can truly be created from Ashes.

But what I experienced this week, the betrayal, the lies, the thievery.. are some of the hardest things to experience from someone that you trusted and gave everything you could to help. I think we oftentimes forget the hardships that come from dedicating one’s time or life as in the case of Corey and Diana, to helping these girls. As much love and time that you invest into a person, that’s how much hurt you can receive in return if they decide to turn back to their old ways. But we don’t focus on this, and even though hurt happens, it’ll all pass if we can help other girls. We stay strong-we keep loving, caring, and praying everyday, trusting that everything is for a reason.

No matter what trials, I look forward to seeing my girls everyday. Whatever may happen... it’s worth it to me if a couple find new hope in the horizon for their lives and set off on a better road, slowly creating Beauty from Ashes.

Nuntă! [Wedding!]

The hugs and love I received when I returned from my trip tied my heart even more closely to my girls! I saw on their faces as they watched for my arrival through the workroom window that they had awaited my arrival as much as I had awaited seeing them once again, even though I had only been gone a short week.

Activities never end at the center, and on top of the regular hub and flow of activities, we had the added factor of preparing for Andreea’s wedding!

Andreea is the sweet director of Romanian Orphan Ministries. She is so essential to the life flow of the organization and with her kind servant heart, is well-loved by the girls. They wanted to help her with the wedding in every way possible- so our week of intense work began!

Prior to this week’s activities, the girls working at the Beauty from Ashes Boutique (the card and accessory making job that is offered to them at the center) made all of the hundreds of the wedding invitations. Some of them helped with decorations, cleaning, ironing, ect., while a select group of us tackled the time-sensitive, intense job of floral arrangement creation job.

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We worked from dawn to dusk with these delicacies- hundreds of branches were cut, dozens of roses arranged, and not one of us had nice fingernails at the wedding, but the arrangements turned out beautifully! It amazed me to see the dedication these girls showed when wanting to help their director. One would think that these girls who weren’t given much care and attention in their past would struggle in doing the same for others. And it’s true- this is a daily struggle for them. But this is why I was left in awe at the long hours they put in for their director. Their diligence was amazing, and until things were just right, they didn’t even think about going to sleep. Challenges arose, and they faced them. The life skills that these girls are learning and the maturity and development that I’m seeing in their character makes me so proud of them! For girls who, before, could care less for the person beside them, they sacrificed so much to help someone who had shown them love.

The wedding on Friday brought early rising, numerous car trips, endless rounds of sweat (remember, air conditioning is not a thing most places in Romania, and the weather stayed at a steady 90 degrees) but was one of the happiest that I’ve ever seen for the girls:)

It was super wonderful to see them get all nice and dressed up! As they were growing up in the orphan homes, no one really paid much attention to their hygiene, at least definitely not to the extent that we, from America, would consider is even close to appropriate, or that regular Romanian citizens consider adequate. The center tries to teach them to pay attention to this aspect as well, so seeing them in dresses and made up was really something huge!

Another aspect is that some of them really shy from being feminine. In the setting they grew up in, girls who showed their femininity or groomed themselves were oftentimes preyed upon or even considered prostitute-material, so in order to avoid this, many of them dressed boyishly and avoided being made “beautiful”. We at the center don’t want them to live with this fear, and it’s a big step for some of them change. I tell them that they’re beautiful everyday, but they don’t want to believe me, and some don’t even believe that could ever be a possibility for them. Seeing them look at themselves in the mirror and smile today, pleased that they can look womanly and can look beautiful and can believe me when I tell them that they are lovely, touched my heart:)

So here are some of my beautiful girls!

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Felicitări Andreea and Răzvan!!!! 🙂


Familie [Family]

I’ve been on a week-long trip for the past couple of days. Being absent from the girls has taught me something that I don’t know if I would have valued the same had I not been gone:

It’s taught me that they are now my family.

Whenever you have a family, those people mean so much to you. Those are the people that you know will love you, no matter what. When I was growing up, I knew that my family would support me and be by my side. Every time I went on vacation, no matter how much I enjoyed the trip, I would still miss them and their daily presence in my life.

These girls have so quickly become part of my family.

When I sit and ponder the fact that they did not have a family growing up, that is so unreal to me. Imagine not having that group of people to wake up on Christmas morning with you. Imagine not having them fight over who gets which school picture because they think you look so great in each one. Imagine not coming home to those open arms that want to hug you at the end of each day. These girls, who are all orphans, don’t have a usual family that most of us have and are so blessed by. But don’t get me wrong-they do have a family.

One of the big things that happens at the Beauty from Ashes center is that the girls become a family. Besides just learning how to perform family roles, they also learn to love one other as a family. Diana’s parents are like the girls’ parents. Diana and Corey are like older siblings to them. Amongst each other, they are like sisters. It is so unbelievable to me to see this connection. Moreover, I am so honored that they have allowed me, welcomed me, and loved me in to their family.

This realization hit me as I was saying good-bye for my trip. As we all didn’t want the hugs to end, I knew that although I’d only be gone for a week, these girls would be on my mind everyday. When I was gone, I kept my eyes out until I found the perfect gifts from them, and then sat outside by a tiny light to write them each a note to attach to their gifts. I can’t wait to give them hugs, see how they’re doing, and give them, my family away from my family, my love.
