Departures are so hard. Having to say goodbye to someone that you’ve spent every day with for almost 3 months is not easy. Now multiply that by the number of girls I spent everyday with...
We had such a beautiful last week together! I got to spend a lot of personal time with the girls working alongside them, visiting the city with them, and specifically making time to talk and just be with each of them before I left.
We made jam and cracked nuts [the Romanian way]...
...took care of our chickens and bunnies...
...played music and sang our hearts out...
... took a trip to Ciuperca to see the entire city and just talk and enjoy the hike...
... invaded a sunflower field, just for fun..
...I surprised them with a sleepover and American-style pancakes for breakfast the next morning...
... As they surprised me with my favorite meal as well as some heartfelt wonderful gifts!! (hopefully I will have pictures of them to post later!)
I will miss their smiling faces, big hugs, and amazing hearts immensely. I can’t believe how quickly the summer flew by! They tell me to stay and come back, and I’m praying that I’ll have the opportunity to do that in the future. Until then, I can’t wait to keep seeing them grow in maturity and as adults- they have so much potential in them and I want them to use it! They know that their Mami loves them, and sends a huge hug to all her girls... until we meet again.