Felicia Black
Felicia Black
South Africa 2011- 2012
I am a recent Belmont graduate (Class of 2011) and I am going back to South Africa. I first went to South Africa in the fall of my junior year at Belmont and I had so much fun I decided to apply for the Lumos award and have been lucky enough to go again! Check out my previous blog at http://coming2sa.blogspot.com/ I will also be updating that blog as I return to South Africa so check ‘em out! Read More About Felicia →

Wonderful Wednesday (Weddings and more!)


Wednesday was by far the best day of the week for me. I worked with my numeracy teacher and she had me take some groups out and I actually got to teach. It was then that I remembered how much I actually like teaching (because the two days before we lacking in that front), especially numeracy. They worked on the constant function. Basically it was introducing the idea of exponents and they got to use their calculator so they all did really well. Once we finished the assignment we played games and they were all really good at it. It’s really awesome when the kids get it and everyone’s learning and having fun.

Wednesday was also social night. I should have been suspicious when Cheryl, the new orphanage coordinator, started the minute I walked into the room but I didn’t really think much of it. Social night was in my honour! We celebrated my engagement through a fun competition on  who could make the best wedding dress out of recycled materials: trash bags, shopping bags, random cloth, tissue paper, toilet paper, etc.

It was hilarious to see what they came up with and at the end we had a fashion show. I was actually really impressed with one of the groups who made a dress that I would actually consider wearing. Two of the models were male which was, of course a huge laugh. One went for a toga look while the other went for a more scandalous barely there look with a really long train and then there was the pregnant bride (not planning on that one) who was planning to have her wedding in Vegas (not doing that either).  It was so much fun and I was so honoured that they did all of that just for me!

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