Hi all! Or should I say y’all? I am back in Tennessee for a tender Christmas with family and friends. There’s a lot going on here including Christmas parties and sweet reunions and gift wrapping and trips to the local Walgreens. Also Target has a lot of great stuff these days, but don’t worry I’m getting enough Christmas money from my grandmother to cover at least one more trip.
Because there’s so much going on, I wanted to end the year with a list. Lists are kinda my signature thing. This is one of things hoped for, things yet to be done, and things that I am celebrating as I ring in the new year. Merry Christmas! I hope it is one of warmth and cheer and maybe even a little eggnog!
Highlight reel of things accomplished in my first quarter:
Not work:
-successfully killed several mosquitos and flies with my bare hands
-got over the hump of being afraid to speak Creole
-surviving Dengue fever
-became a last minute wedding photographer for a great friend
-feel comfortable enough in Creole to be able to do things by myself
-feel comfortable taking motos and getting around by myself
-learned how to use the gas oven and stove
-learned how to pump water when electricity has been out for too long
-got WiFi installed at home (trust me this was actually a long process)
-learned how to get take-out/street food
-figured a way to work out here
-made good friends! Started a hiking/adventure club!
-became Kathy’s personal assistant: started managing her schedule and time
-helped Kathy start the process of writing a book!
-started managing Kathy’s social media
-started teaching ProLead (Much employee training program that will eventually have a business incubator) how to create a business plan
-managed Enactus team as they researched new markets for 2nd Story Goods
-read Traction and started planning strategic planning sessions
Things I want to accomplish in the next quarter:
-make strategic planning sessions happen!
-discuss redirecting in-country marketing dollars
-plan for the opening day of Much’s Marketplace Gonaives
-decorate my desk! Send me ideas!
-help put the 2019 production calendar into action
-keep Kathy writing and keep discovering what my role should look like
-keep developing relationships
-keep learning! Every day. For the rest of life!
Not work:
-how to do everything at the house/get everything we need
-go to the market by myself and feel comfortable with negotiating prices
-eat more healthily
-work out more often/ go on a run early in the morning sometimes
-take tap taps by myself
-triple my creole knowledge
-develop method for getting on my roof so I can star gaze at the amazing Haitian sky
-get to know neighbors/people I see often. Start talking to people on my walk between home and work
Andddddd some never before seen photos!
Merry?Christmas to you and your family, Olivia! So glad you’re home for the holidays. Have a great time!