This week, our school participated in the annual, two-day celebration of Sports Day(s). These days were filled with cheers, parades, sports (duh), dancing, and a lot of snacks. Rather than try to explain the glorious aspects of these festive days, I will show you through the many photos I took. So….sit back, relax, and enjoy Thailand’s Pre-Game for the Olympics A.K.A. “Sports Days.”

Participating in the opening parade celebration. (Yes, that is a hat made with beer cans and a fake cigarette)
Well, there you have it folks. A little glimpse into my life living in one of the coolest places on Earth. One thing that I have learned since being in Thailand that I did not know before: Thai people LOVE celebrations. No matter the occasion, or the time, or the place, Thai people put 110% into making the festival or celebration the most epic day ever, and Sports Day was no different.
Enjoy your weekend!
– Kyle