Hello from Uganda! I have been in Jinja for 10 days, and tomorrow I have my first day of work. I am super excited and ready to have something to do.
I am so thankful that my dad was able to come with me to Uganda and stay for a week! I loved getting to show him around Jinja and introduce him to all of my friends here. He was able to see where I’ll be working and meet all of the staff. We even got to spend a day at an amazing lodge built on a small island in the middle of the Nile River!

Wild Waters Lodge
Since my dad left I have been trying to get the apartment all ready and check things off my to do list. Some of the kitchen drawers needed knobs, I got a water filter, refilled the empty gas tank, and deep cleaned the whole place. There is still more I want to do to make this place feel like home, but it’s coming along and I’m beginning to settle in. I am thankful to be only a 10 minute walk from work!
It has been raining almost every day this past week. The rain here stops just about everything. Everyone goes indoors and there are no bodas (motorcycle taxis) to be found. The roads that aren’t paved turn into clay mud. I enjoy the way things slow down when it rains and everyone must surrender their plans until the storm lifts. Because it has been raining so much, it has been cold all week! I’ve worn long sleeve shirts and/or sweatshirts almost every day. Coming from the heat and humidity of summer in Nashville, I have been really cold and snuggled up in blankets as I drink coffee each morning. I am soaking it all in while it lasts, because I know dry season is coming.
I have loved getting to reconnect with friends here. Ruth still has a shop in town and her son Elijah is growing up so quickly. She was pregnant with him when I first met her, and it has been a gift to see Elijah grow over the past 4 years. Aaron told my dad funny stories from some of my summers spent working with him. Timothy is enjoying university and asked me to help with a social work assignment. John took my dad and I to visit his wonderful family.
I am doing well and have lots of peace about being here. I am excited to see what my first week of work will hold. I am just so ready to have a job where I get to do what I spent the last 4 years studying.