Today was my first day back in Cape Town. The weather is amazing and I’m so happy to be back. Chris, my boyfriend, is here with me for a week so it makes coming back even more special.
Our trip here was really long. We first flew from St. Louis to Detroit, where we had a four hour layover. Then we flew Detroit to Amsterdam, a seven hour flight. It was alright though because they feed us (not the greatest food but it is better than nothing) and they have movies. We watched “Friends With Benefits” and “Debt”. They were pretty good. Then in Amsterdam we had another long layover. It went by pretty quickly though. Then we had 11 hours to Cape Town. It wasn’t bad though, except Chris and I didn’t get to sit next to each other. L Finally after 24+ hours of traveling, we arrived in Cape Town late. I was nervous because we weren’t certain that we would have a ride. We ordered a cab but via email and we weren’t sure that it was confirmed but sure enough our driver was there and we were dropped off at our hostel. Unforunately there was some mix up with our room, but we were able to get a room even if it wasn’t the one we ordered.
Tuesday came bright and hot. The weather here is so hot but I love it especially after the cold of the States. We sorted out our room and had breakfast at the hotel before embarking into the city. It was a beautiful hot and sunny. We found our way to Green Market Square, looking around for souvernirs. Then we went down to the Waterfront and walked around more shops. We found the Nelson Mandela Gateway to Robben Island and got tickets for the 5pm boat ride to the Island. Then we wandered around some more before taking a ride on the ferris wheel which wasn’t there the last time I was here. It gave us beautiful views of the city and the Waterfront. Then we decided to see a movie. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. It is a very dark movie and I recommend preparing mentally for it.
After the movie it was time for Robben Island. I was very excited because I was supposed to go over two years ago when I was here before but because of various reasons I didn’t get to go. It was so worth the wait. The ferry ride was beautiful and we took tons of pictures. The prison tour was interesting and informative and I loved the bus ride around the Island. We even saw some penguins which I didn’t realized lived on the Island.
After our Robben Island tour, we had dinner at the Cape Town Fish Market which I highly recommend. I made Chris try the malva pudding which I also recommend. It’s unique to South Africa and I absolutely love it. Well that’s all for today. Tomorrow we’re going sandboarding, like snowboarding without the snow. It should be fun. More updates later!