Hilary Hambrick Taft
Hilary Hambrick Taft
Guatemala 2013-2014
I am volunteering at the Monte Cristo Center in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. This family-run community development center provides education, healthcare, & vocational training to the surrounding community. I will assist with teaching English and computer literacy as well as possibly working on a micro-loan fund for local farmers. Read More About Hilary →


I’m sure that compared to some of my peers, I don’t appear to have a ton of responsibility. My expenses have graciously been covered for an entire year, and I’m volunteering abroad without the risk of losing my job, missing a rent payment, or general struggles of a young college graduate. But this gap year has bestowed plenty of responsibility on my young 22-year old shoulders.

I’m responsible for providing quality English classes for 90 middle schoolers, I’m responsible for researching and creating a viable social enterprise, and responsible for using my abilities to the fullest for the benefit of my new workplace. I’m not being paid but I’m treated as an equal member of this brilliant team of educators. I don’t have a teaching degree, but I’m fully trusted to lead the classroom on my own accord. Lastly, I’ve never really started my own business, but I’m putting all my passion and experience behind the creation of our new lotion brand, “Queen Bee.” And all of this is done while stumbling through my new foreign language.

I can’t think of a more stretching experience, or a more worthwhile one. As school starts in full force tomorrow, and we’ve received our first round of branding for our lotion line, the next 8 months are filled with responsibilities that I can’t wait to conquer.


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