Mambo everyone!!! There is so much that I want to talk about surrounding my time in Arusha thus far, however, before I tackle that, I feel as though I need to explain a bit more about my life here.
My Project....
Throughout the week I have been given the privilege of working with some amazing women at the SASA foundation. Founded in 2010, SASA is an organization dedicated to forming gender equitable practices in both the workplace and educational system within Arusha. SASA is home to a small school (which I work at) and a variety of women’s groups designed to encourage financial literacy, economic independence, and healthy marital relationships. During my time here I will be working in the school, teaching young children in the mornings, and educating adult women in English language skills in the afternoon. Additionally, I will be assisting SASA some logistical work including grant writing, budget proposals, and even planning. Although it has only been several weeks, I already absolutley love my time here and I am so excited for the work to be done throughout the remainder of my time here.

My class! These sweet kids have filled me with a level of joy that I cannot quite explain.

The outdoor area at SASA foundation. On nice days we eat our lunch out here and then practice our singing and dancing!
My Home Life...
My host family is located in an area of Arusha known as Tengeru, and it is located about 10 miles from the city center. Our home is amazing, and I feel so happy here. It is a bit off of the main road, so it is typically much quieter than living in the city and for that reason it has truly become a refuge from the chaos that Arusha can be. Living in the house are my two house parents, Jovita and James, and four other volunteers whom I am so lucky to call some of my closest friends here.

Our house! Every morning we get to have fresh picked bananas, mangoes, avocados, and oranges from the garden. Just one of the many reasons that I love living here.

4/5 of the volunteers in the house. These amazing women have quickly become like family to me.
Projects Abroad....
Being tied to a volunteer organization during my time here has already helped me in ways that I cannot quite explain. When I arrived in Arusha there were about 17 volunteers here and that number is expected to stay relatively stagnant throughout my time here, even as some volunteers come and go. Although we are spread out throughout the city on a variety of projects, we still find time to spend with one another and they are truly like another family to be already. Within Projects Abroad, I have two advisors who are here to help me with anything I may need regarding my project, or simply acclimating to life in Tanzania.
I have already absolutley fallen in love with Tanzania and I am so beyond excited for all that this journey is to bring. Week 3, lets do this!
Song of the Week: 40 Day Dream by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
I love seeing what you are doing ~ and the people you are getting to share this experience with!!
thank you for filling us in on Arusha and the wonderful organizations you are working with!! love you to pieces!!
This looks to be an incredible experience for you Sarah! I love seeing your pictures! Looks like home life, school and friends far exceeded everyone’s expectations!!
I love you and am so proud of you!
Aunt Keri
Sarah, I am loving this blog! You also have a gift for writing and thank you for sharing your days with us! I love you Sar!
Ilove following your blog Sarah. It makes me feel close to you and I love that.Your home away from home and the views are spectacular. Seeing you with the children makes me smile I love you a bushel and a peck. Grandma