4 1/2 weeks left. It almost doesn’t seem real. I have to keep reminding myself that I’m leaving. This time last year I was leaving to study abroad in Queensland, Australia for four months. A little bit different of an experience. Ultimately living the same lifestyle, just with a different location and different people. But now, I’m leaving everything. Everything I’ve ever known so that I can gain experience and learn something new about myself and about the world. I’m leaving behind family, friends, and a boyfriend whom I love with all of my heart. Leaving it behind as if I have another life waiting for me. In reality, these kids I’m about to spend 19 weeks with currently have absolutely no idea who I am.
I’m weird when it comes to change. As far as locations and meeting new people go, I am always up for the adventure. Always wanting something new. New experience, new friends, new place to call home. That kind of change I am comfortable with. That kind of change is a part of me. With change comes so many hellos. And that I adore. But with change also comes so many goodbyes. And goodbyes I have never taken lightly.
In the 5 1/2 months that I am abroad, I am bound to run into endless amounts of change. New friends, new photos and new places to mark off my map. I envision my map to be covered in little red pins, so much so that you can’t hardly see where I’ve been. With each pin there is an insane amount of joy and just a tiny bit of sadness. It’s bittersweet as we call it. All I’ve ever dreamed of is traveling the world and finding my own way to make a difference. But it’s never that simple is it?
But I’m ready for it...as ready as I’ll ever be. I’m ready for Ghana. (: