Sometimes it is easy to forget just how blessed we are to be on this earth. We get caught up in your complaints about what is going on around us and we forget to enjoy the rainbows in the clouds.
Life is precious and meant to be lived. We weren’t created to just exists on this earth and go about our days on autopilot. We were given life to live to our fullest potential. Before I arrived in Cape Town I had a conversation with someone that challenged me to live in my purpose and have faith that God wouldn’t put me somewhere I wasn’t meant to be. He had no idea about where my life has taken me and what I’ve experienced but he saw that when I talked about my plans to come here, that was what was in my heart and purposed for me. If you think about all of the people who didn’t make it into this world or were taken from the earth or aren’t given the opportunities you are, you don’t owe anybody else but yourself to Live. Life can get you down but remember there is always sunshine after the storm.
With that being said, Cape Town is beginning to be nice to me! She isn’t trying to freeze me anymore even though one of the worst cold fronts came through last week. I have some great things I am working on at work and I am loving every minute of it.
This is a shorter blog but I don’t really have much else to say about the last two weeks. Cheers!