Well I am almost two weeks away from departing for my 14 week journey to Nepal. When I found out I was awarded the Lumos Award, August seemed so far away, but now my departure date is approaching quicker than I thought it would be. I think for the past month I have not had time to focus on leaving, even the next two weeks will be really hectic before I am able to slow down, focus, and pack. Today we had a skype meeting with my advisor for projects abroad, I still have yet to receive my accommodation in Nepal, which makes me anxious but mostly my parents very anxious.
Since I have known for almost 9 months that I will be traveling to Nepal preparing has not been that difficult. A friend of mine traveled to Nepal earlier this year and he has been a tremendous help with answering questions about cell phone, WiFi, clothing, drinking water, etc. He has been able to answer most of my questions and he also went with the company I will be going with. I have gotten my scrubs, clothes, backpack, shoes, and all other necessities all ready. This past week I received my last vaccine to be able to travel!
Many people have asked me why Nepal? Honestly the only logical answer I have is God placed this country and these people on my heart. The whole process of applying for Lumos, the country, and the project I trusted God with. I knew that not matter what I did in the end it would be someone else’s decision whether to fund me or not, but I know that this is where God wants me and where He is leading me. I have been out of the country many times with family and for mission trips but I have never been to Asia. The Asian culture is a fascinating culture. They are very religious people, but not the same religious beliefs I have. Most of the Nepalese people are either Buddhist or Hindu. I am currently reading a comparative religions book to know and understand the religious beliefs of the people I am about to interact and live with for the next 14 weeks.
I just recently finished a book called Little Princes. The author of this book took a trip around the world and started the journey by volunteering at a “orphanage.” Come to find out this was not an orphanage at all but a rescue house for children who had been trafficked. The book really spoke and gave a voice to children in Nepal. My neighbor knows the author so I was able to call the author and talk to him about his time in Nepal. He was able to give me good advice and some encouragement before I depart.
I am excited for what is to come. I am excited to learn and I am excited to be placed in a teaching hospital, but I wish I would be closer to Kathmandu. As I get closer and closer to leaving I am sure I will become more anxious and nervous, but I am so excited to grow, learn, and experience a new culture.