Hey all!
I made it! This past Wednesday, I bid farewell to my family and friends as I took an early-morning flight (2am!) to Guadalajara. Preparations looked like everything from me reaching out to my host mother to preparing and printing documents for customs. Despite the ungodly flight time, things went smoothly for the most part and I have been settling in nicely. Since my project is just now starting, I took the past few days to explore the area with my friend who happens to live here! I feel very blessed to have a tour guide of sorts, as he has already shown me several parts of the city, given me tips for getting around safely, helped me with little tasks, and, perhaps most importantly, introduced me to several local dishes!
I certainly have experienced some culture shock, but I am doing my best to keep an open mind and learn from each little experience. The shortlist of differences includes some pretty nasty traffic (naturally accompanied by pollution), relatively lawless driving habits, and perhaps tens of thousands of street vendors of all ages selling everything from fruit to tacos to clothing. In general, I am impressed, but not surprised, with how welcoming and kind people are in Guadalajara. I knew of the city’s friendly reputation before arriving, but believing in that and trusting that are two distinct steps, and I don’t think I have taken the latter just yet. This week, I am challenging myself to get over the fear of the unknown (and of being the stupid foreigner) through little tasks like walking my laundry to the laundromat, exploring the supermarket, trying out local gyms, and actually asking questions when I have them (instead of awkwardly trying to figure everything out on my own).
A few days in, my friend pointed out to me that I was drawing loads comparisons to places I’ve previously lived, saying things like “This would never happen in the US,” or “I wish people acted more like that in Spain.” Having traveled quite a bit over the past 3 years, I now understand that this is just one, defensive way I try to make sense of the change, and I’m starting to recognize that its a fruitless effort. I can be stubborn, so it was admittedly unpleasant accepting constructive criticism from my friend, but I think it was a timely challenge for me to adjust my posture to one of service and learning as I begin my project.
My initial role in a shelter for migrants and transmigrants differs significantly from the one I held with Fulbright in Spain. Here, my primary goal is to give dignifying support to those in need while learning about the sociopolitical context of immigration in Mexico — not to share about my American experience and draw cultural comparisons. So, into the workweek I go, seeking to simply observe, learn, and work step-by-step towards acclimation, putting my existing worldview on pause for at least a moment.
Oh, and one more thing before I let your weary eyes rest. Only one day into my time here, I learned I must always be armed with sunscreen and an umbrella. It’s rainy season, and when locals say that, they aren’t joking. I’ve learned not to be fooled by sunny and warm mornings. The sun might be blazing through the afternoon, but come evening, there’s a good chance you’ll get soaked (or electrocuted if you’re not careful). Forgive the obvious metaphor, but just as I want to be prepared for the weather, I also want to be prepared to do my job well, whether it is exactly how I hoped it would be or quite the opposite. Maybe this experience will be made most meaningful through a little mix of both. 🌦️
Until next time,
umbrella and sunscreen is not a bad idea — nice post, Aaron.