Friday 19 August- Saturday 20 August
This weekend was great. We went to Cape Town on Friday right after we got back from project. Literally I had to throw some things in my backpack, run down to Pick n Pay, get some cash and by the time I got back it was time to go. The weekend was so great! We arrived in Cape Town around 4 and were dropped off at Ashanti a hostel in the heart of Cape Town. We were minutes away from Long Street and a good half an hours walk from the waterfront. Tim, Emma, Malin and I walked to the Company Gardens which were also close by to where we stayed. We enjoyed a long walk through the gardens and then came back up through Long Street looking at the different shops, bars and such.
Then we got back to the hostel and relaxed until it was time for dinner. Then we ate at probably the best burger place in Cape Town: The Royale Eatery. If you’re ever in Cape Town, please eat at this place. The burgers are amazing but the best part are the shakes. I got an Oreo shake and it was to die for. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the meal. It was also amazing how easy it was to pay. Everyone chipped in R100 and we were done. No trying to figure out how much everyone owned. It was so easy.
Then we went back to the hostel and chilled, waiting on the newbies to get back from Mama Africa. Each first weekend they go to Mama Africa and it usually takes a while because it is a huge tourist attraction. One group went and it took hours for them to get the food, eat it and get the check. So we relaxed before finally I got fed up with waiting and trying to decide where everyone wanted to go. I just started walking with a group of people down Long Street. We were originally supposed to go to The Waiting Room but there was a cover charge so we kept on walking until we found the club Jo’burg which JT highly recommended. I loved it. Apparently everyone else didn’t. They were all sitting in the back room talking and listening to the music. But I am on the dance floor thoroughly enjoying myself. The best was when Ashley came because she loves to dance too so we danced together. It was still all good and we danced a good three or four hours there.
The next day we got up and walked down to the waterfront and to Green Market Square. It’s a fabulous market in the heart of Cape Town and it’s a great place to go to get souvenirs. I enjoyed just looking around trying to figure out what to get everyone and not buying anything. I had a limited budget since I took out some cash and left my debit card at Gordon’s Bay just so there would be no chance that I lost my debit card. I’ve lost my debit card in Cape Town before and it is not fun to deal with. Anyways, we walked around the market for a while until we got bored and walked down to the waterfront. Matt really wanted to go to the Two Oceans Aquarium but no one else really wanted to go so he went by himself and everyone else walked around the waterfront looking at the different shops. More shopping and more walking until we finally met up with Matt and had lunch at Spurs. It’s a pretty good place to eat and cheap which is always nice. That was pretty much our day. We walked around some more before walking back to Ashanti. I was ready to go back because we spent most of the day walking. It was exhausting but a great day!