Rachel Vernon
Rachel Vernon
South Africa, 2022
Hi, my name is Rachel, I will be going to Cape Town, South Africa for 6 months to work with Volunteer Solutions. I plan to work in elementary schools with sports development and work in a local clinic. Read More About Rachel →

Beyond Thankful for What I Have

Burning off the sugar in the bouncy house

Hello everyone! Hope you’re staying warm! Could you please send over some cold weather, I’m in a constant sweat. It is cool that we don’t have air conditioning because it’s all-natural, but on really hot days, it is miserable. It’s almost like we’re glamping all the time! Over the last two weeks, school has come to an end. It was the end of the year. As the heat has gotten stronger, I have tried to play with the kids in the shade because it is too hot to play in the sun all day. Also, to protect myself from the sun, I bought arm sleeves to cover my arms. I also wear a hat, pants, and sometimes glasses. The kids always wonder, “why are you wearing pants,” I say, “because the sun will burn my skin faster than yours.” They don’t look at me like I have a different skin color, they just look at me as the PT coach. The grade R-grade to grade 3 celebrated the end of the year with bouncy houses, candy, chips, cool drinks, and fried chicken. It was a blast, but exhausting. It is amazing what kids can do with sugary food and drinks. They are never-ending energizer bunnies!

Ice cream from ice cream truck

Something fun was that a local ice cream driver came through the neighborhood, so we grabbed ice cream cones right outside our house. Everyone was running around the house trying to find the cash to buy ice cream. The craziest part is when I heard that noise, my initial thought was, “it’s a fake ice cream truck trying to take kids.” When I told my host family, they couldn’t believe it. They have bought from this ice cream guy for years. It’s crazy how my experiences at home have caused me to be close-minded to the thought that an ice cream man may be trying to sell ice cream.





District 6 landscape

I also went to the district 6 museum to learn a little about the history of the Muslim community. District 6 was an area where the government told people they need the land to build on and that they will reimburse the people for their homes. The government was ruthless, they would bulldoze the house down whether it was empty or not. To this day, the land is still not built on, and the people of District 6 fight to keep it like that to remind people of how they were treated. The people moved further out of the city. The colored classes ranked as white on top, then Indian, colored, and then black. Based on this ranking they would be further and further from the city. Also, those who were colored or black had to carry a pass around. If they were stopped without their pass or after hours, they would be sent to jail.

Nelson Mandela’s prison cell

Speaking of jail, I also went to the jail where Nelson Mandela was in prison. The island is 11km from cape town, and anyone who tried to swim either drowned or was brought back to the jail and beheaded to show others to not try and escape. Our tour guide was a prisoner for 11 years. One of the most interesting facts was that they were forced to mine in a quarry. Due to the sun reflecting off the quarry, the prisoner’s eyes were damaged. Therefore, our tour guide had glasses that looked like the bottom of a bottle because his eyes had been so badly damaged.





The view from Table Mountain

On a higher note, I climbed Table Mountain. It was truly the hardest hike I have ever done! We climbed India Venster, one of the hardest ways to get to the top. It was so rewarding when we got to the top. Now every time I look at Table Mountain, I look at it as an accomplishment!

My host family are big soccer fans, so it has been a lot of fun watching the World Cup together. They are big Ronaldo fans, especially Ronaldo himself. I always pick the team against Portugal, just to be difficult. It causes for loads of shouting matches at the screen. This week at the host family things feel a little better. Now that school is out everyone is home all day so we are always on top of each other. I am working on coordinating a few days at other projects like medical and special needs before the holidays. So I’ll keep you posted! Also, I picked up my extended visa! I am allowed to stay in the country until February 2, 2023, but my flight is on January 29th, just to give myself a few days as a buffer.

What a traditional shack looks like in a township. Made of metal scraps they can find

One of the most impactful things I have done in cape town was visit one of the townships. (We did this tour through Stay Africa, and safety was a priority). We went to Philippi, a township just 30 minutes from Cape town. When driving through the townships the roads were unpaved and terribly bumpy. There were children who looked like they just started walking being led by other children who looked to be 3 years or younger. These children must grow up so fast because their parents are either at work (and can’t pay for childcare) or doing drugs. We went to a kindergarten that a gentleman started. He built a two-story shack in 2 weeks, with his house above his school. The school is funded strictly by donations. They have 60+ children and 5-10 volunteers who get paid if there is money left over in the budget. We got to play with these children for a while.

Kids from the kindergarten

They were very interested in my hand. They laughed, pointed, pulled their friends over, and even tried to separate my two fingers that are stuck together, which hurt... Because they didn’t speak English, I couldn’t communicate to them that it hurt, so I gently pulled my hand away. Other volunteers in the room said they were upset as they saw the kids laughing and pointing at my hand. I am used to this and I try to give grace to kids because they have never seen anything like my hand. I was fighting the tears the entire time. I just wanted to take all of them home with me and bathe them, feed them and love on them. The organization is called Community Kids Pot.

Also, while driving through the township, I noticed that there were a bunch of adults with leg amputations. This is because of poor living conditions and medical facilities being far away with long lines.

This experience required a lot of reflection as it was difficult mentally and emotionally. I concluded that although they don’t have what I have, it doesn’t mean I have to give up what I have. It made me appreciate not having to worry if I will be fed or freshly clothed. It made me reflect and be thankful for everything I have at home. It even sparked my interest in adoption, specifically from one of these areas, but don’t worry that’s not for a while!

As this trip is coming to an end, I have reflected on things I am going to miss. One of those is hugs from a precious 3-year-old or snuggles while we watch tv. But I’ll be able to replace those with hugs and cuddles from Gracie Jane! I will also miss Auntie V’s cooking, being able to walk to school, always being able to see Table Mountain from anywhere in Cape Town, the warmth and constant sun, and so much more. Something I didn’t know I needed was Jade’s ability to relate to my experience. She worked on a cruise ship for years before having Sophia, so she was away from home for extended periods. She helps me validate my feelings of excitement to explore, sadness when missing home, and thankfulness for this experience. I am so glad I have 49 more days here!

Sophinde sithethe (sow-pin-da see-teh-teh) we’ll talk again in Xhosa

“I’m Still Standing” -Elton John

Hudson’s proposal

Hi everyone! These two weeks have been the best two weeks of my life. That is not because everything was perfect or joyful, there was a lot of sadness, stress, and anxiety. All of the emotions created the most growth since I arrived in Cape town. This week started off with picking up a rental car. I have wanted to explore beyond Cape town, but it is very expensive to Uber, so renting a car was a good option. I was better at driving on the other side of the car and another side of the road than I thought. It was a fun challenge. Then I picked Hudson up from the airport. We immediately went up the west coast. We stopped at every beach we could to enjoy the different views. The best part of the drive was the West Coast Natural Reserve; the water was like the Caribbean and the sand was like siesta key beach. Then, the next highlight was that Hudson purposed! It was such an amazing surprise!

I’m standing on an ostrich egg

As we made it back down the west coast we stopped at an ostrich farm and got to hold a baby ostrich. Did you know that the eggshell is strong enough to stand on it? and they eat the eggshell (which is like glass) for calcium.







Cape Point

The week of November 20th was finals, so while the kids were testing their knowledge, we gained more knowledge about cape town by exploring. We drove down to Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point. It was a beautiful drive down the coast. Cape Point is one of the most southern tips of Africa. Then we went to the Castle of Good Hope, a castle built by the Dutch in the 17th century to protect Cape town from being taken from other countries, later to fall to the British.




Sunset in Hermanus (also where we saw whales breaching)

Then we went down the South East Coast to Hermanus. Wow! Beautiful and not what I was expecting. The drive included rolling hills with farmland, woodsy areas, and the beach. We made a stop at the Afrikaans Language Monument. It was built to represent that the Afrikaans language was a separate language from Dutch. Afrikaans includes a little bit of French, Dutch, German, Khios, and Portuguese. I actually visited the city where the first Afrikaans dictionary was published, Oudtshoorn.




The Afrikaans Language Monument

I loved introducing Hudson to my host family and school family. I was so nervous about bringing him to school, but I introduced him to the staff and students. Showed him how my school days usually run. Hudson commented how cool it is to see how I made a life in a different country all by myself. It made me feel really proud of myself.






7th grade prom

Also, as the school year is ending grade 7 had a prom (similar to the 8th grade formal). It was the first time I was a chaperone to a dance, but it was so fun watching the kids sing, dance, and laugh amongst each other. Since I have been here for so long, I get to experience big events throughout the school year.

Over the last two weeks, I have seen 33 different animals. The list includes crocodiles, baboons, alpacas, lamas, geese, camels, goats chickens, ostrich, tigers, elephants, cheetahs, peacocks, blue Crain (South Africa’s national bird), cows, horses, donkeys, sheep, dolphins and whales at outreaches or farms and mountain zebra, eland, lion, wildebeest, springbok, impala, kudu, giraffe, waterbuck, snakes, elephant, buffalo and rhino on the safari.

Petting a cheetah at a cheetah outreach

Of those animals, my favorite was feeding the alpacas, lamas, and ostrich (which I enjoyed for dinner and I also got to sit on), petting a cheetah, receiving an elephant hug, and watching the lions feast on chickens after fasting for 2 days. The safari was incredible! It was like an adult scavenger hunt! Also, on the Garden Route and Safari trip, I went kayaking and explored caves. The smallest tunnel we crawled through was 11 inches in height!




Climbing through the caves

Other adventures included Sophia’s concert, which was so cute, and watching the Elton John Rocketman movie at an outdoor venue. We also have had a lot of birthdays, Sophia turned 3, Rozano turned 14 and Ronaldo turned 17! So lots of cake and braais! I want a braai for my next birthday!






In other news, this week was also very interesting. On Nov 21-22 there was a taxi strike. This shut down the city due to safety, so it was a day at home. Yonga was directly affected by this so she had to pull a double and caught the taxi before the strike started at 2:30 am, and came home at 12:30 am. Also, students take taxis to school, so no students were able to get to school.

As time has passed, I am getting more homesick. I miss the luxuries that we have such as air conditioning, feeling completely safe with my belongings (robbery), laundry machines, having my own room, and my parent’s hugs. Also, since going away for trips coming home hasn’t been the same. I have felt emotionally disrupted. I sometimes feel on edge about how much or how little I am eating, not having alone time because knocking doesn’t exist, and being self-conscious about how much water I use to shower or to do laundry. All silly things, but it is anxiety-provoking because I want to be respectful and not ask for much.

On another note, I have also learned a lot about townships. I learned that the people who live in the township are either unemployed or making less than 2,500 rand, which is the minimum wage in South Africa, ($147 per month). I also learned that people in the township are desperate to make money so they will cut down the power lines and burn the rubber off the lines and then sell the copper, which also increases the need for load shedding. They will steal the water faucets for the copper, license plates, car decals, and train tracks, which has caused a decrease in public trains. The biggest township in Cape Town, Khayelitsha (which means “new home”) houses 1.2 million people in a 10 square-mile radius, which is the number of people that live in Dallas, Texas. The government has recently started putting porta-potties on the outskirts to help with sanitation. I also learned that during election time, politicians go into townships and tell the people how they will help them, yet when they become in office they don’t do anything, leading to an increasing number of townships. Also, there are cattle and children that are completely unsupervised. As I have learned more about these living conditions it has weighed deeply on my heart. I feel helpless and fearful.

To leave you on a happier note, I have noticed, since Hudson arrived that I have picked up a colored mentality like yelling across the house, licking my plate at the end of dinner, and incorporating lingo like, “awwww mannnn.”

I hope this reaches you well and enjoyed the life update here in Cape Town!

Khuluma ngokushesha (talk soon in zulu, an African language)

Elephant hug at an Elephant outreach (I also fed the elephants and touched their tongue, it was similar to ours – soft and slobbery)

Spooky season meets Africa

Hello friends and family! Here is your life update from Cape Town, South Africa! Life here has been full of adventure lately! I have enjoyed the warmth, or should I say HEAT! It’s a battle to stay out of the sun because the UV index is getting up to 10! This week I started with a Cape Town FC soccer game at the DHL stadium! They WON, so it was a crazy environment! The locals say the Cape Town FC fans go “APE IN THE CAPE” because they are crazy!

We now have two new members at the school! Mr. Anthony brought two female geese to the school. The children love the geese and have learned a lot about coexisting with other animals. I also started working in one of the gardens because I couldn’t hold myself back any longer. I cleaned up the dead leaves and trash, as well as propagated some leaves to make more plants. I even brought three plants home to grow in my room. I am a crazy plant mom at home, and I miss all my plants! It is so fun to get my hands dirty and help Mr. Anthony out in the garden in my free time. I truly cherish the relationships I have built with the staff at school. Every morning I say hi to the staff, specifically using their names to remember who they are. I realized that I really appreciated Dawn greeting me with, “Good morning Rachel” as I walk into school. Because she uses my name, it makes me feel loved; I didn’t realize the power of remembering someone’s name. Having a relationship with the staff makes me look forward to going to school for not only the children, but also the staff.

Art galleries on the first Thursday of the month

Another fun thing I did was visited several art galleries on Nov 5th. On the first Thursday of every month, local art galleries hold a late-night event from 5-9 pm to let people come through and enjoy the artwork. Then we went to the SALT factory, which had a local pop-up thrift shop.




Halloween at school (Halloween is becoming more popular, but no trick or treating due to safety)

Friday, Nov 4th, the school celebrated Halloween. The staff and students dressed up and had snacks and sweets to purchase. So no school, just sugar rushes! The costumes were so cute! (There were a lot of Spiderman, witches, and princesses). Although I did not dress up, my hat made me look like a tourist, so I said I dressed up as a tourist!


Meeting Sarah Sponcil and Terese Cannon after they beat Brazil in the semi-finals

Lastly, this weekend was event packed! I went to the Beach Pro Volleyball Tour. I watched 3 US women’s teams compete. I even met Sarah Sponcil (who competed in the Olympics in Tokyo) and Terese Cannon, the team took silver in the tournament! I also won a signed US jersey because of my epic dance moves!

USA women’s beach volleyball signed jerseyUSA women’s beach volleyball signed jersey

Red Bull track for the box cart racing in Bo-Kaap







Then Sunday, Nov 6th, I went to Red Bull’s box cart racing in Bo-Kaap. 57 teams competed and built engine-less cars that were less than 80kg (176 lbs). It was such a fun day! I also went to the University of Cape Town on Monday. It was beautiful and reminded me of California because of the red clay roofing.



Cape Town University

I have felt emotionally sound, but I am already dreading the bittersweet feeling of going home. Auntie V has said, “your goodbye will be harder than the others because you’ve been here so much longer and are a part of our family.” This trip will always have such a huge place in my heart. I cannot believe that I will be in the states in less than 75 days! I am very emotionally attached to my host family. I even get to bathe and dress Sophia in the evenings to give Jade a break.

Mrs. Jacobs is a new member in the picture. She comes in and helps with behavioral issues at the school. I have spoken with her a handful of times and enjoyed sitting in on her lessons. One lesson was about inappropriate behavior. These children often touch and speak inappropriately to others and staff. I learned a lot of these children are abused at home. It is so hard to imagine what their home life is like. I also learned that some of the children carry forks, kitchen knives, or scissors with them at all times. Although weapons are not allowed at school, they carry these items because where they live is not safe, and need something to defend themselves. It is so hard to imagine what all these kids have gone through. It is our responsibility at school to help teach them boundaries and respect for authority and peers. I told the kids that I was setting a loving boundary and didn’t want hugs anymore because I had a bunch of bites on my back. We assume they are flea bites from the children’s clothes. I had one student who asked, “Are you still doing that loving boundary thing?” I laughed a little and said, “yes, thank you so much for remembering.”

Something I have learned is how South Africans speak to each other is much harsher than I am used to. In addition to louder voices, even shouting across the house to get someone’s attention, they speak more bluntly. Knowing my host family’s hearts makes me feel better when they say something in a blunt tone. For example, the janitor, Mr. Davids, said “you didn’t close the door to the storage room again, why did you leave it open even after I told you to close it?” WOW! I felt terrible and immediately apologized. The next morning I said, “good morning,” not sure how he would take it after yelling at me. But he was like, “hi, how’r (how are) you?” It made me realize not to take things personally.

Hudson landed in the Cape Town Airport after traveling for 38 hours

As this term wraps up and the students take finals, I welcomed a visitor! Hudson comes to town and I get to show him my new home! Also, please to check out my video that I made of the first 3 months here! https://youtu.be/gbtOcbvPMmU

Tune in next time!

Birthday Season!

Hello again! I hope everyone is doing well, hopefully, it’s not too cold

Glass from the soccer field at school

there. We are headed into the summer months, so it is heating up here! Some days it gets up to 30C (86F), which is hot when you’re in the sun all day. I have started to hold PT under the tarp to keep myself and the kids out of direct sunlight. We also play soccer almost every day because it’s so hard to tell boys that we cannot play soccer. However, all of the children here refuse to wear their shoes, it is a battle to get them to keep their shoes on. On the soccer field, there are broken beer bottles that have been thrown over the fence, so I have picked up at least 25 handfuls of glass to try and keep the kids from being cut by glass.

Dessert from Auntie V’s birthday celebration

It’s birthday season here! They take birthdays very seriously here! Auntie V’s birthday kicked us off on October 23rd (but who are we kidding, we celebrated the whole month of October). We had a whole day braii, starting at 9am and ending in the evening with a food coma. Since lunch was so filling, desserts were for dinner. We had peppermint tart, cake, ice cream cupcakes, trifle (a Christmas dessert), and I made apple crumble. I did not pace myself well enough. I was so

Indoor braai

uncomfortable because I had eaten too much. Everyone warned me that Christmas will be “worse” as in there will be even more food. I have never been so excited about Christmas. I also have never had Christmas away from my immediate family, so I am sad I won’t see them for the holidays. The month of November is also big for birthdays. We have Rozano’s 14th birthday on November 22nd and Sophia’s 3rd and Ronaldo’s 17th birthday on November 27th. So we will have braai’s for their birthdays as well.

Speak of going home. Tomorrow marks the halfway mark. I have been here for 87 days. I feel so at home and comfortable. I am so thankful I am staying for such an extended period because this

Hair types that Yonga taught me

allows me to get settled in. I also have a new roommate, Yonga, the long-term guest at the house. She moved into my room so Auntie V could repaint the other room and make room for other guests. It is fun to have a roommate, but it also has its challenges. For example, Yonga works 2-10pm. So, she comes home around 12am and I get up to go to school at 7am. Yonga has been such a cool friend. We have done bible studies together and she took me to church with her this weekend. It was the first time I had physically gone to church since I came to Cape Town. I want to try out a few other churches as well. Yonga has explained to me the perspective of black women in Cape Town. I learned that there are areas where she doesn’t feel comfortable due to her skin color. She has also taught me about the different types of hair. She has 4B/4C which is super tight curls, while I have 1C/2A, which is wavy/straight. Having different types of hair means we have different routines.

Another thing I learned is what a cowboy shower and bucket shower is. In addition to load shedding, they have water shedding, which is no water, or day zero, which is 5L per person per day (1.321 gallons), and when that runs out, there is no more water. That water is for bathing, drinking, and cooking. So, plenty of people would have to budget to buy water from the store, and that becomes very expensive. The most recent water shedding and day zeros with limited water were 6 years ago. During this time, you had to take what is called a bucket shower. This is where you get a 3L bucket of warm water and soap yourself up then rinse with that water. A cowboy shower is when you only wash your face, fanny, and feet. I will try a bucket shower before I leave! Crazy how water and electricity have to be used sparingly. I will take a bucket shower before I go!

On another note, there is a boy at school that works at the local fruit

Giving food to Lamique

Giving food to Lamique

stand that we go to for our apple to make the apple crisp. He is in one of my classes. He is always dirty and has a runny nose. He lives in what is called the flay, which is a squatter camp. They are sheds that people put up, similar to townships. They do not have running water and the children are not looked after. His name is Lamique and he has 7 brothers and sisters. Auntie V has started making him lunch for me to bring to school. It is so cute when I give him the food, he was shocked the first few times, but now he asks where his food is. He usually puts it in his backpack as fast as he can so no one takes it.

I hope you guys stay warm as you head into winter! Also, happy Halloween! They don’t do anything for Halloween here. People always ask if I ever dressed up and went from house to house. The people here can’t believe that you go to a stranger’s house to ask for candy. The houses here all have at least one gate before getting to the front door. We have two gates for safety.

Also, here is a picture of the words that they use here! I have been compiling a list of them during my time so far!

New words!

Spring Break Adventures

Meeting up with Nori at the World Cup of Field Hockey after playing Ireland

Hi everyone! I’m back! Here’s the update... Last week I was on spring break! Crazy how it is flipped due to the change in the climate. My spring break started by going to the World Cup Field Hockey Tournament for women and men 50+. My friend Nori Smith plays on the 55+ team. It was so much fun cheering her on! Hearing people speak with an American accent sounded foreign, so weird how I have gotten used to the South African accents. I watched USA versus Ireland and USA versus South Africa. I also cheered on the USA men’s team. Fortunately, Hinse, the other volunteer at the host family, loves field hockey and was explaining all the rules to me!

Outside the courthouse with the “NON-WHITE” benches

Later in the week Hinse and I went on a free walking tour downtown. I learned a little more about the apartheid and the different classes of people. For example, the black population was not recognized as a citizen. There were a few tests to see if you were “black.” One was the pencil test, which is where you put a pencil in your hair and shake your head. If it stayed in your hair, you were black, therefore could not be a citizen. We even saw benches that were recreated to replicate the “WHITES ONLY” and “NON-WHITE” benches.

I also learned a little more about District 6. This area was predominantly African Muslims. The government also did not recognize this group of people as citizens. However, the African Muslims who lived in district 6 was pushed out of the area and the houses were torn down. Even if you were still in the house, they were going to bulldoze the area. The government promised them that they would get reimbursed, but to this day no one ever saw any reimbursement or development on that land. I have plans of going to the district 6 museum which was created by people who lived in that area. They brought clothes, tables, newsletters, and anything they could find to bring to the museum so that this history would be preserved.

14 piece wood arch outside of the parliament

Another interesting fact I learned was that an arch symbolizes strength, similar to the St. Louis Arch. The arch, that is pictured below, has 14 strands of wood that symbolizes the 14 chapters of the South African constitution. The arch is also found next to St. George’s Cathedral, where Archbishop Desmond Tutu was known for his campaigns regarding the apartheid.

Hinse and I also went on another hike to Newlands Forest. It was so nice to get out, but the heat is coming!

Last week was the first week back to school. I didn’t know how much I missed the kids. We have now formed a relationship of mutual respect. For instance, they do not fight (as much) when playing soccer because they know there will be consequences (going back to class and missing the rest of the PT). I have set loving boundaries to help everyone have more fun, and it has helped PT to run smoother and more enjoyable.

I also have exciting news! I recently accepted a job at Vanderbilt University Medical Center on floor 5S in the Cardiovascular Progressive Care unit. I will start on February 27th, 2023. This will allow me enough time to get settled and move back to Nashville. When people ask where I am from, I proudly say, Tennessee! It feels so good calling Tennessee home! I also signed a lease on an apartment in Nashville, so it’s official, I’M COMING BACK!

Having to interview at 8 or 9 pm was comical. I would shout to the house, “I’M JUMPING ON AN INTERVIEW NOW” so they would know to be quiet. I am so glad that is over and I can mentally prepare to work as a nurse! Planning the new job, and apartment and the logistics of furniture have all made me a little homesick. I am so excited about these exciting decisions and have struggled to stay where my feet are. I am on a trip of a lifetime, I need to stay present-

Painting by Johannes Phokela at the Zeitz Museum

minded and enjoy my time here. I try to have grace with myself because I can’t always be present-minded. Being away from home has made me appreciate things back home.

I also went to the Zeitz Mocaa Art Museum, and that was amazing! One of the exhibits, by Johannes Phokela, expressed how blacks were treated by whites before the apartheid. It was very difficult to look at, but it was beautiful at the same time. Those paintings express history without using words.




Lastly, today (Monday, October 17th), we had nurses come to the school to give vaccinations. It was very interesting because they did not use gloves and charted on paper. I picked the nurse’s brains about their job and experience. Nurses here are called “sisters,” which is neat. It was such a fun and unique opportunity. It made me excited and a little nervous to be a nurse!

Table at the nurses station at the school

Well, until next time! Hope you’re enjoying the fall weather and changing leaves, I am sad I am missing my favorite season, so appreciate it a little more for me!

Home town activities

Rozano’s soccer championship (Rozano is the second from the right)

Hello everyone! It’s been two weeks since I posted last! Can you believe it! Time is flying by! I am already a third done with my trip! Over the last two weeks, I have had a lot of downtime. Wow, I am so thankful for downtime! A new volunteer came to stay with us last week. His name is Hinse, he is from Belgium and staying for six months, so we will be buddies for the rest of my trip! Lately, I have been a part of more local events. My host brother had a soccer championship, but unfortunately, he lost in the finals. But it was so fun to cheer him on!

The other major event in the last two weeks was the school concert. It has been so cute watching the kids devote so much time and energy to their daily practice. The kids sang, danced, and read poems. The children here come out of the womb with rhythm in their feet, it is so impressive. I was a part of the teacher’s dance, and let me tell ya, I do NOT have rhythm! It was fun because all the kids were shouting, “Coach, coach, coach!” I felt like a celebrity! The parents were CRAZY

School concert

for their kids, a very different environment than a concert in America. The parents were shouting, dancing, and running to the front of the stage to take videos. They did not just sit back and clap when it was over! I absolutely loved every minute of the concert. I felt like I was one of the proud parents in the stands. All of the kids did such an amazing job! 



Traditional braai lunch for teacher appreciation week


We also had an end-of-the-term braai, aka bbq. We were celebrating the student teachers’ leaving and teacher appreciation week. The food consisted of boerewors (like a brat), chicken, potato salad, green salad, garlic bread, and a cool drink (aka soda). WOW, it was so delicious! 


Lastly, Hinse and I took the two host brothers, Ronaldo (16) and Rozano (13), out for a hike. Hinse and I, yet again, felt like parents taking our kids out for an adventure. It was so cute watching them look around in the car because they hadn’t been to Muizenberg. And of course, to make us really feel like parents, they complained and asked, “how much longer is the hike?”

Boomslang Cave hike in Muizenberg


Some personal trials and tribulations I didn’t know I would encounter include eating different foods and exercising. As a retired division 1 athlete, I was used to working out often, but I can’t go to the gym or go on a run. I tried to tell myself that, I will work out when I get home, this is

Apple crisp

only a season of life. But the more I told myself that, I just paid more attention to how my body was changing. So I started doing HITT workouts in my room. The more I did them, the better my mental health felt. I realized how important it is for me to move my body and break a sweat. I am also not in control of what food I eat. We eat a lot of white bread because it is a cheap source of energy. For breakfast, instead of eating toast, I eat something called “Maze-meal” or “pup” for slang, (it is like grits). I didn’t grow up eating grits, so I didn’t know I would enjoy them as much as I do. We eat BIG dinners and have dessert often, which has been amazing! I even made an apple crisp for the family! In the last two weeks, I have made it three times, it is an absolute hit! 


Hope you enjoyed this short summary of the past two-week, tune in next time! 

Grade R (kindergarten) boys during PT

Cape Town quirks

Hello again! These past few weeks have been very laid-back. It has allowed me to read other Lumos travelers’ blogs and enjoy the slow life here. I have also been introduced to some of the challenges of living in Cape Town, such as expensive electricity and water shut-offs. Due to the cost of electricity, the host family turns the hot water on for 4 hours a day, so you have that specific time to shower. In addition, something called “load shedding” is where the electricity in a district turns off for a set amount of time. This is to decrease the financial burden that electricity has on the government. It was fun the first week because we would put our phones away and play cards in the dark. However, as this becomes a reoccurring thing, sometimes three times a day for two hours, it has become very inconvenient. There was also a local pipe burst, so we did not have running water a day, some parts of the city were without running water all week. It makes me appreciate constant hot water and electricity.

Load shedding schedule for the week (subject to change)

Playing cards in the dark during load shedding












The new member of the school

In other news, this week I made it a goal to get to know the staff around school, so here is an introduction to the staff. Dawn, the school janitor, checks on me every day! I missed a day last week, and the next day she made sure to find me and ask if I was alright. Mrs. Samsondeen, the chef in the kitchen, offers me to try the food with the kids. They often have a lot of rice, lentils, mince (beef), and liver. Mr. Anthony, a resource teacher, who takes care of the gardens, janitor duties, and discipline has also been welcoming. He recently brought a pet goose to the school! I also found out they also have pet rabbits. Mr. Anthony’s purpose for beginning animals and planting gardens is to teach the kids how to treat other living things. The children have been taught to kill any animal that comes into their path. Mr. Anthony also told me about a conversation he had with a child. He asked the child “where do eggs come from?”, and they replied, “Well the shop n’ pay, of course.” Mr. Anthony’s goal is to teach the kids that food comes from animals and gardens. Mr. Capp, the school librarian, has been helpful when I need a book to read with the kids. Mrs. Winegard, the principal, and Mrs. Wentzel, the receptionist, are always so nice when I arrive at school. Since I am at the school for a long period of time, it has been nice to get to know the staff better because it makes it feel more like home. 


One of three goodbyes..

Last week was the last week for two of the volunteers, so we enjoyed spending time together. We went to the Mojo market, Seapoint beach, and Bo-Kapp. Saying goodbye was way harder than I expected. I have known Daan for 5 weeks and Kato for 3 weeks, how could I be terribly sad to say goodbye? But after some reflection, I realized that not only do we spend every waking moment together, but we also created a unique connection. Since we are all traveling as solo travelers, we lean on each other in times of stress, sadness, and happiness. The connection with these three volunteers is unforgettable and I hope to travel to Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands to visit them one day!

Enjoying a Samosa in Bo-Kapp



On Monday, September 12th, I went into town to apply for a visa extension. As a tourist, you are allowed a 90 visa, but to stay longer you need to apply for a 90-day extension. This has been a tedious process, but everything was turned in and now I just wait to hear back. After my appointment, I decided to explore the city center by myself. I have been nervous to explore alone, but I was inspired by my mom, who will be exploring England, Belgium, and Germany by herself in October while my dad works. If she can travel by herself, I can too! While walking by myself, I didn’t know what to think about or which way to go. I got to choose how fast I walked, where I stopped to eat, how long I took to eat, etc. It was a refreshing and rewarding feeling. During this time, I did some reflecting. Here is what I learned:

  • What I am doing is crazy! Crazy cool and crazy awesome but also just crazy! I downplayed the fact that I had moved to South Africa because it is the wealthiest country in Africa and very westernized. But I reminded myself that it doesn’t change how difficult this trip is. I am alone, in another country, 8,500 miles away from home. That is nothing small! So I am very proud of myself for going on a trip like this. I have learned to give myself more grace when it comes to being sad or anxious.
  • Growth stinks! It is uncomfortable and overwhelming, but as I have grown over the last five years, I love who I have become! I am proud of my accomplishments and the relationships I have made. Growth is so necessary!
  • Being still is not easy for a busybody like me! I always had something to do in college, between practice, eating on the fly, and school. But while I have been here, I have been able to slow down. When I feel the need to get up and do something, I have challenged myself to stay still a little longer. It has been uncomfortable, but very recharging. 


People have been asking what the culture is like, and that is a good question! Some of the things I have learned about the culture here include:

  • Time is slow, family is important, physical space is little, and sharing is often. 
  • The pace of life is kind of like flying by the seat of your pants and letting the wind take you where you need to go. For example, Auntie V decides what to make for dinner at 1 pm each day, and always has food ready by 5:30 pm! 
  • Family is so important! I have witnessed the love and respect that each of the family members has for one another. For example, Jade told me about an amazing job opportunity she had but turned it down because it was more important to her that she spends weekends with her daughter than the pay raise. 
  • Diverse cultures are very accepted. The terms for different races include, colored (an olive skin color), black, and white. Also, there is a large Muslim population. They were originally brought over by the British for slavery and confined to the Bo-Kapp area. After the apartheid, they expanded beyond that area and have grown communities all over the Western Cape (which is one of the providences of South Africa). 
  • Teachers at lower-funded, government schools have a stronger relationship with their students. These children may not have a strong support system at home, so the teachers play a big role in their support system. This creates a less professional and more familial environment. Teachers speak to the children in a motherly/fatherly tone, rather than what I am used to in the US. I am so glad I am here for an extended period because it allows me to form strong relationships with the kids, much like the teachers. However, as I have seen the volunteers leave, it makes leaving that much harder. So thank goodness, I still have four months left! 
  • The kids are also so willing to help and share! I have been impressed with the number of students that come up and offer me the food they are eating. It is hard to say no because they feel offended, but I know they need that food to fill their bellies. 


Sorry, this was a little long, I hope you enjoy the update!


Settling in

Hello again! Here are your latest updates! The kids have loved teaching other kids that my hand represents “I love you.” Kids come up to me and just say, “I love you” show me their hand, and then walk away. It truly puts a smile on both of our faces. Last week at school, a fight broke out, we broke it up and one of the kids was alone cooling off. After a while, I went up to him and started to get to know him. His name is Jordan, he is 13 years old, in 4th grade, has two brothers, and lives with his mom and auntie. He is very small for his age, which leads me to assume that his mom was on drugs during her pregnancy. The majority of the children at this school were born to drug-abusing parents. Jordan and I hit it off really fast. Instead of going back to class, I asked him if I could help him with his schoolwork, and he jumped at the idea. We ran to his class and spoke with his teacher. The teacher gave me a math book to work from, more specifically fractions, my least favorite part about math. I asked him to write his name and date at the top of the page. It was the 23rd of August. He began writing 1203 for the number 23. I corrected him, and we moved on to spelling August. He started by writing the letters O and then U. I realized he had no idea how to spell either. So I showed him how to spell August in the dirt with a stick. Then I asked him to write numbers 1-10, it was a success, then 11-20. He couldn’t do it. So we switched to writing the alphabet. Yet again, he couldn’t do it. So we skipped the fractions and started with the basics.

I am not perfect at English, especially because I was diagnosed with Dyslexia in 6th grade, and then again in my sophomore year of college. It hasn’t been easy, but I have learned tips and tricks. I find it comical that someone with dyslexia is now teaching English. He was so excited to learn, it was contagious. The other kids would come around to check out what was going on. Lots would laugh and point, but I would not tolerate that kind of behavior. I kindly said, “if you would like to help, you may, but if you’re going to be rude, you must leave.” That was enough to run some off, but most were willing to help. I specifically chose kids that I knew were troublemakers because then it would build a connection between Jordan and that child. It was amazing to watch them help each other. After we had worked for a while, I asked the teacher if I would be able to work with Jordan every day. The teacher was very excited because is a troublemaker in the classroom. After all, he has no idea what is going on in the classroom therefore he acts out. He was late to start school so he never learned the basics, but due to his age, they sent him to the next grade.

After working with him for two weeks, he can write almost every capital letter of the alphabet on command, and he can write numbers 1-100, were working on understanding the 100s. He has taught me just as much as I have taught him. Some of the things he has taught me are, that making mistakes is ok because correcting yourself is rewarding and beautiful. Also, learning is fun, and it’s OK to ask for help. Jade mentioned that these children struggle to perform well due to their home lives. More specifically, these children do not live in safe areas, they have terrible sleeping conditions, and little food to eat, so how could they possibly be expected to perform at their best? The cards are stacked against them. I hope that by the end of my time working with Jordan he will be able to sound out words on his own, even read, and do simple math like addition and subtraction.

The school had a market day this week for the 7th graders. They asked for donations of food and then they sold it to the rest of the school. Their proceeds will go towards their class prom on Sept. 23rd. It was so cute watching these kids get so excited to sell things that they had made and worked hard planning for their table.

Outside of school, I have recently switched rooms because there are two new volunteers in the house, Kato, from Belgium, and Giorgia, from Italy. It has been so much fun getting to know them and having sleepovers every night. Unfortunately, they are only here for 3 or 4 weeks, but we enjoy the time we do have together. We tried to climb table mountain this past week, but the wind was too crazy, so we had to punt on that idea and try it on a different day. We also went to the beach to watch the sunset and enjoy the 22 C (72 F) weather. I quickly learned the metric system because otherwise, I cannot understand what the others are talking about. Also at home, I have settled in, I love hanging out and talking to Jade and Auntie V, they are like my mother and sister now. I realized I have had a lot of family units throughout my life. I have my blood family, the Finks (lived with them for a semester in high school), the Stones (also lived with them in high school), my college family (Ryan and Kelsey Neises), and my college friends. Now I get to add this family to the list of family members. It has been amazing to feel at home even though I am so far from home. Lastly, I made a pumpkin pie! Everyone around the world knows how famous pumpkin pies are to the Americans, so I figured why not let them try it? I used an actual pumpkin so it was nice and fresh. I had some help from Grandma Williford, and it was an absolute hit! I look forward to what the next two weeks hold! Talk soon!

The gangs all here (from left to right, Kato, Daan, Giorgia, Me)

Jordan (left) and another kid working together in the dirt

Market day at the school

Jordan writing number 1-100

The famous American pumpkin pie

Beautiful sunset of Table Mountain from my backyard

Moving has its challenges

Hi everyone! The last two weeks have been crazy! The first week here was very challenging. I felt so homesick, but I didn’t want to go home, I just missed the feeling of home. I was terribly uncomfortable, which I knew was going to happen, but I did not expect to feel the way I did. With the change of weather from 90+ at home to 49 and wet, I got sick, so I laid low and rested. Being still allowed me to process all the emotions I was feeling. I was scared, sad, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, and mad for feeling this way. But the truth is, what did I expect to feel when I got here? I just moved 8,000+ miles away from a life I had been building for 22 years. There were going to be growing pains, and there was no timeline on how long they were going to last. Fortunately, with each day I have felt better physically and emotionally.

A little background about my project site. I am at Belthorn Primary School (K-7 grade), a government-funded school. The school system here consists of three different levels of schools: private (most expensive), semi-private, and government funded (cheapest). It is a lottery system, however, the government-funded schools are primarily for students from the poor areas called “townships.” Each classroom in government-funded schools can have 30-37 children per class, whereas private schools cap their classrooms at 24 students per class. Having 30+ children in each class is a major problem because it is challenging to make sure each student is on the same page. COVID-19 has caused many children to fall behind in their classes and even fail.

Since the weather has been VERY cold (49F and wet), we cannot have PT (physical therapy) aka PE (physical education) because they do not have an indoor gym. On rainy days I assist in a 3rd-grade classroom. There is one teacher for 35 children. I walk around and make sure students are doing their work and understanding it. I worked with two children, one who was unable to sound out a word without looking at the board for help and another who did not know how to add or subtract big numbers. It is challenging for the teacher to help these children because they have 32 other kids to teach. When the weather is nice I, along with 1-2 other volunteers, take the kids out for PT. Grades 4-7 have a coach, but grades K-3 do not get PT without volunteers. We take the kids out and coach them in relay races and fun active games.

Teaching the kids I love you in sign language

One of the coolest yet most difficult things at the school has been explaining to the children what happened to my left hand. I was born with 8 fingers. Kids are always curious, so it is fun to share with them what happened. I usually say, “I was born like this” or “God made me this way.” Most of the time the kids cannot fathom why God would make me like that, he must have made a mistake! But he indeed did not! I would not want to have ten fingers because it is an easy door to bring God into every conversation. I continue to show them that the two fingers together look like a heart, and if a pen is nearby I will draw the heart.

One of my students in my 3rd grade class

I continue to show them my hand. **Please perform the actions included in the next sentence.** I tell the kids to first form a fist, then put up their thumb, pointer finger, and pinky finger. That sign means “I love you.” I believe that I have those exact fingers on my left hand (but mine is better because my fingers are in the shape of a heart). The children are immediately fascinated by this! They always run to their friends and bring them back to show them that I have 8 fingers. I then repeat this activity over and over, sometimes 20-30 times a day as more and more kids come to see my hand. I also get kids who come tell me their buddy is laughing at me. This does not hurt my feelings because it is a cool opportunity to teach them that bullying is not acceptable. It is hurtful to be the recipient of bullying, and you should treat others with gentleness and kindness.



Auntie V dishing out food


On a different note, I moved to the host family Monday, August 8th, and they were so welcoming! I love them like family already! There are nine of us in the house right now, Auntie V, who is the host mom, her daughter, Jade, and two sons, Ronaldo (16) and Rozanno (13), the granddaughter, Sophie (2 yrs), two long term guests Zi Zi and Yonga and Daan, a volunteer who came the same week as me. The best part about the host family is the FOOD! Auntie V cooks food every night. I usually start hovering in the kitchen around 5 for dinner because it is my favorite part of the day. I even tried liver for the first time and didn’t hate it.


I feel like I fit in really well in the house. Having the two younger boys around feels like having my two brothers around. Auntie V gave me the best compliment I have ever received. She said, “It is amazing how someone’s personality can make someone more pretty. I didn’t notice how beautiful your hand was because of how beautiful your personality was.”









Cape Town FC game in the DHL stadium

Things I have learned about the culture so far. DO NOT PLAN ANYTHING, EVER! I knew moving here I would experience a change of pace; it could be described kind of like “island time.” I am starting to enjoy the beauty of not knowing what to expect from each day. It makes me appreciate each day on its own. I have spontaneously gone on hikes, to wineries, and even to a Cape Town soccer game at the DHL Stadium, where the 2016 Olympics took place. Another time-sensitive change is that when people say, “I am coming now or

View from Lions Head, the hardest hike I have ever done

now now,” it means they would be coming in 30 seconds, 30 mins, or over an hour. The value of family is held very high. They love one another so deeply. The adult son, Baiden comes by the house daily to check on his mom and siblings. I am also learning a little more about other cultures through the other volunteers. I am truly enjoying being here and feel like I am exactly where I need to be right now.




Be sure to go back to the last post, I will add pictures. Also, I plan on making an entry every two weeks, so be sure to check back then!

My room at the host family

Hand washing and air drying clothes in the sun


100% Chance of Precipitation

It is officially time for the adventure to begin! Although the forecast

Hudson and I playing gin rummy before the flight

did not include rain, my face was constantly wet from tears flowing. It was hard to say goodbye. As some may know my family is moving to Dayton, Ohio in two weeks. Not only did I say goodbye to my family and boyfriend, but I also said goodbye to the house I have lived in for the last four years. When I got to the airport, my flight had been delayed two hours. Fortunately, Hudson, my boyfriend, was also flying out of Atlanta that day. But his flight was delayed as well, so we sat in the lobby of the international terminal and played gin rummy. We played 13 games, I lost 7-6. The goodbyes at the airport were the hardest, it was really setting in. An abundance of thoughts went through my head, “why am I doing this?, what was I thinking, I can’t do this! I should just go back now.” But I couldn’t turn down the biggest adventure and amazing opportunity for growth, so I put my head down, thinking no one could see the tears falling from my face, and began through security. 

Since my first flight was delayed by two hours, it meant I had 35 minutes in Amsterdam to get to my connecting flight, and I indeed made it! On the plane, I met a German girl who was going back to Cape Town to study physiology. She gave me some tips and tricks about renting cars, data plans, and the weather; she even told me a little about Germany. We compared cultures, and I learned a lot. We even played Yahtzee against each other, I won! When I landed at 11:30 pm South African Standard time, my luggage was stuck in Amsterdam. So, fortunately, I packed a change of clothes and my bathroom bag so that I could live without the checked bag for a few days. My first flight was 8:35 hours, and my second was 10:15 hours, I was ready to get on land! 

I was picked up by a friendly man from Volunteer solutions, he told me a little about the government. Such as, the laws are not enforced well here, for example, marijuana is illegal here, but everyone still uses it, the power goes out for a few hours a day to conserve energy and money, and the working class are a part of a union, which is a major problem. More specifically, if the government wants to tighten laws, they will need to regain power; since the country is unionized, the workers break out into major strikes when the government tries to get involved. The current unemployment rate is 34.5%, compared to 3.6% unemployment in the US.

When I arrived at the hostel, where I will be staying for two nights, there was a group of kids waiting to meet me before going out on the town. They were all so nice, but it was overwhelming. I was shown around the hostel, which is made of two houses that are combined in the back. The entire hostel/volunteer house can host 64 people! When I tried to lay down for bed, the emotions came flooding. Lying in bed, I started to cry because I was overwhelmed and scared, and VERY uncomfortable (both physically and emotionally). I was afraid of what was to come. Eventually, I fell asleep listening to music at 2:30 am with my face mask and two blankets. 

Playing with baby monkeys at the Wold of Birds zoo

This morning I woke up at 12:30 pm and was immediately introduced to everyone in the house. They all asked me to join their plans, paintball, food, zip-lining, or go to the zoo to see the monkeys. I chose to go get food because I hadn’t eaten for over 12 hours. A group of volunteers went to The Old Biscuit Mill, full of shops, food, and dancing. Here they use Uber to get around, which costs around 75 rand-135 rand (~$7-$10), which is the currency here. ($1= 12Rand (R)).

The Old Biscuit Mill







When I got home, we went to a local intramural soccer game. I love watching soccer live! In my head I was thinking, “oh step up” or “just play it long.” You can take a girl out of soccer, but you can’t take the soccer out of a girl.

Went to a local recreational soccer game to watch soccer (and yes they call it soccer here)

Went to the Spar (grocery store) for dinner









Then off to the local market, aka spar. I grabbed food for the next two days until I go to my host family. And just like that, my first day is almost over! 175 days to go. Most of the volunteers are staying 2 weeks-7 weeks, so when I told them that I will be staying for 24 weeks, they were all very jealous because no one wants to leave, which is a heartwarming feeling. 



  • Keep your belongings close because people will try to steal your things.
  • Pack clothes, bathroom bags, and adaptor in your carry-on because you never know if they will get left behind. I also put an AirTag in my luggage to check the location of my luggage; currently, it’s still in Amsterdam. 
  • The water is safe to drink in Cape Town, but introduce it slowly as it could upset your stomach (advice given from an American) 
  • Bring ear plugs and a mask to sleep in a hostel because it can be loud, I slept through the night with no interruptions!