This week, I want to share the reality of everyday life for a mother in Angola. I truly cannot express the impact this trip has made on me. So, I will just share with you some of the content and stories that we witnessed.
Every month, hundreds of women in drought-stricken rural Angola go through anguish as they attempt to save the lives of their children suffering from severe malnutrition. With their frail little ones strapped to their backs, they leave their villages and travel across the desolate terrain by foot, or sometimes catch a lift on a motorbike, to one of six JAM supported malnutrition clinics.
These mothers arrive at the ‘hospitals’ and thrust their dying children into the arms of nurses in the hopes that they can turn their situation around. For these Moms, every second that their child remains untreated could mean the difference between life and death. They hope that the F75 and F100 therapeutic formulae supplied by JAM may be the answer to their prayers for their children’s survival. Many of their prayers are answered, and their children survive and thrive. Distressingly, some do not make it as they arrived too late for the treatment to take effect.
The struggle of these children just to stay alive is immense and that many survive from death’s door is a testament to JAM’s commitment and effective programmes. JAM’s promise is to expand to reach as many children as possible with our Red Bowls, according to our available funding. Remember, each bowl you fill equals one less child fighting for their life in one of these malnutrition clinics.
Fill a bowl – share this with a friend – and change a life today.
This is the footage shot in Angola on the trip that I joined the JAM International Media Team with.
This week, I will be traveling to Mozambique for the Affiliate Week Conference. I am so looking forward to connecting with the global affiliates and learning more about JAM’s global vision for 2016. I am also very excited to be transitioning into more writing work with the writer here at JAM. I will be more involved in mail outs and writing testimonials of things we witness in the fields! Writing is such a passion of mine, so I am very excited to be moving into this season.
Until next time,