Kyle Ducharme
Kyle Ducharme
Thailand 2013-2014
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman Read More About Kyle →

Last Week in Thailand


After being in Thailand for almost 6 months, I am sad to say that it is finally over. Students are home, my small home is cleaned, and my bags are almost packed. Today I had the opportunity to visit the coffee farms for one last time to see the coffee beans being hand sorted by people from the hilltribe. It was definitely a bittersweet moment because it will be my last visit for quite sometime, but it was amazing to see the progress we have made and the relationships that have formed over the last 5 months.

Living in Thailand and being a part of this unique culture has opened my eyes and heart in ways that they never were before. Thailand’s culture, full of patience, love, and community, has taught me to live. Live through all misfortunes in life and remember to not wish things away. My life before Thailand lived for results. Graduating from college, getting the best grades, and eventually starting a business, but I sometimes forgot about the importance of the process that gets you there. Becoming patient and appreciating the process has helped me become a better teacher, friend, and business owner.

It’s been an amazing ride, and I will forever be grateful for this experience. I have had the opportunity to play with tigers, teach over 300 students, start a coffee business, relax on the white sandy beaches, and try exotic foods. I never expected to get this much out of Thailand, and I feel like I will return home with a new perspective on what it means to be alive. I always heard stories about how much traveling and living in a different culture will change you, but I never truly believed them until now. Past were right. I leave Thailand a changed man for the better.

Until next time Thailand...

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