After a month of living in Cape Town, I am proud to say that I have discovered how to download pictures from my iPhone to my computer. Yes, this should not have been a difficult feat, and yes I have my degree. This has been an unexpected technology struggle since I assumed that my iPhone would receive internet reception. Also, I thought I packed my camera, and was disappointed to find that I left it in Knoxville. However, I have managed to document some of my favorite moments in South Africa so far, three of which being an excursion with TSiBA’s SIFE students to Muizenberg beach, sea kayaking with whales in Hermanus, and a sunset hike on Lion’s Head Mountain.
I cannot provide photo documentation of Muizenberg yet, but all you need to know about it trip is that I imagined it as an African version of Rent‘s “Sante Fe.” For the 45 minute ride to the beach, the SIFE team sungand danced all throughout the train. Of course, they tried and failed to teach me Xhosa songs, but they died laughing when I gave my white, American imitation of their choreography. Many of the students live in the township Khayelitsha, so we rode third class, rather than Metro Plus during our commute to save money. On the return trip, I learned why I always traveled first class—we were smashed together so tightly in the crowded train, that we literally could not move at all. Regardless of the momentary discomfort, the team building trip helped me understand the dynamics of the SIFE team.
The next day I went with eighteen of the other Connect interns to Hermanus. We spent two hours sea kayaking in one of the best coastal cities known for whale watching. As we paddled, we saw at least five whales and a curious baby whale followed after the group at one point. Apart from the whales and a delicious cup of gelato, my favorite aspects of Hermanus were the picturesque mountains, bays, and cliffs scattered all around the city.
The night after my trip to Hermanus was October’s full moon and therefore the night of a monthly hiking event to the top of Lion’s Head Mountain. I found the hike to be much easier than the first time I attempted it and the sunset and moonrise completely transformed the city sights surrounding the mountain. I think I have found a new tradition. Below I will post pictures from Lion’s Head, so you can finally see what my new home looks like.