About Jenna

Jenna YordyHello! Thank you for taking interest in my journey to Guatemala! I am so honored that you are here 🙂

I graduated from Belmont University in May 2023 with a degree in Global Leadership and TESL. My four years at Belmont were meaningful and enriching and helped cultivate my love for language, culture, and education. I am joyful, caring, and adventurous at heart and have a deep love for people, music, and nature. I also enjoy connecting and collaborating with others whenever possible! I am thrilled that I have the opportunity to utilize these gifts and passions throughout my time in Guatemala.

My Lumos project consists of two parts. Starting in mid-October, I will be working for a little over two months with MisiĂłn Vida Nueva, an orphanage located in Cobán, Guatemala. My days will include engaging the young children in games and activities, teaching the older children English, running errands, and simply helping out wherever I am needed. Then, starting in January, I will move to Monte Cristo, a trade school located outside of Guatemala City in a town called Chimaltenango, where I will be for four months. At Monte Cristo, I will be predominantly working with the high school students and teaching them English in a classroom setting alongside a more experienced teacher. I can’t wait to see the ways in which I will learn and grow through these unique internship experiences!

Thank you, Lumos, for this opportunity, and thank YOU, readers, for taking interest in my project! Much love <3